do you act differently around friends?


Well-known member
I realized i seem to act alot more confident,social and generally less SA around friends, even if they arent the most social people either.

like last night at the gym, i was workin out wit a frend and we saw these 2 cute girls nearby. Normally when im by myself, id be terrified to even look a cute girl in the face but for some reason just because i was with a frend, i actually looked their way a few times and smiled few times.

maybe peer pressure? to try and act "cooler" when ppl i know are around.

Also i relized when lets say im walkin with a frend at school, and i spot some1 i know ill be way more enthusiastic to greet them, while by myself walking, i only greet ppl im very comfortable with and much more quiet/reserved greeting lol.

perhaps it may be a good way to improve myself but convincing myself im being watched by some1 i know
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No, because I don't have friends :) . Eh, maybe it does, just sounds a bit paranoid to me. Probably not the best haha, but then again what is? Pride may very well be one of the best tools of motivation. Hmm... I don't think I said that right???
I'm much more comfortable around my friends, because I chose friends who have the same random sense of humor as I do. And I have friends who are ok with me not talking all the time. I can even be pretty quiet around them. But yes, they're the only people who see the real me.


Active member
Yes I do act differently when I am with my friends. I am more relaxed and spontaneous I also seem to have a little more courage when I am with close friends.
I don't have friends to act differently around... but I am more comfortable with my family. Even if it's just being comfortable with the fact that I'm not talking ::p:


Well-known member
Nope, always me. My only difference would be I'm probably a bit more reserved with them. Less talkative and more quiet.


Well-known member
Can't say I act different around anybody else, never have. I noticed some friends did that with me and other people and usually that means they are kind of fakey. Trying to impress the other person even at other people's expenses. I am quiet around my friends though, just depends on what I'm doing with them though.
Can't say I act different around anybody else, never have. I noticed some friends did that with me and other people and usually that means they are kind of fakey. Trying to impress the other person even at other people's expenses. I am quiet around my friends though, just depends on what I'm doing with them though.

I hated it when that happened. It was as if the friend was ashamed of me or something! They always seem to show off in groups.

I always acted the same whether it was just one friend, or a whole class of people.


New member
I really don't have alot of friends but the friends I do have, I'm really quiet with them. I prefer being by myself most of the time. I act completely different with my family, I'm always loud and talking.

Bullied Anonymous

Well-known member
No, not at all. It depends on my mood whether I'll talk much to them. I try not to get them too wrapped up in my personal life (for my own reasons). However, I slip up sometimes.


Well-known member
Me and my best friend are completly different. She is the most confident person ever, best speaker and looks wow - we must make an odd pair!When I am with her I dont know if I act different but I certinly feel comfortable with her, I still over analise everthing before I say it to her and can never open up, I can be a crazy carefree person with her at times but bring someone new alone and it's bye bye me. I wish she wasn't in Dublin :(


Well-known member
I don't have any so I can't say personally, but I think everyone would act differently in some way when with friends.
I don't act different with my friends, I'm just as shy and reserved and "proper" as I am with anyone else. The only real difference is that I talk a bit more, though not enough for anyone to notice.


Active member
My best friend knows me in and out and still likes me, so around her I am very open and talkative. Any other friends I am still quiet, shy, etc.