Do girls like guys for non-look associated reasons?


Lol I just had to make this thread.

I mean, women do the same exact thing. It all boils down to perception. Even feeling is perception. Our senses perceive.

All judgement is based on perception.
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well that could be, based on perception.. but that is only on the first look, our vivid perception.. we have other ways of perceiving.. and perceptions change.. superficial people percieve and stay with the same perception of a person.. smart people change it..:)


Well-known member
Girls go for guys for non-look assoc. reasons, yes. Probably about the same amount as guys that do the same thing.


Aren't looks a visual representation of the quality of your genes? A very good indicator for the suitability of a potential mate. Speaking from a guy's perspective it is at least 95% looks. In other words looks are far more important than any other attribute but different guys prefer different looks sometimes.

I think for women other factors come into play and her opinion can change a lot based on the way she is feeling but confidence, looks, power, money and other factors can probably all influence your attractiveness to females.


Aren't looks a visual representation of the quality of your genes? A very good indicator for the suitability of a potential mate. Speaking from a guy's perspective it is at least 95% looks. In other words looks are far more important than any other attribute but different guys prefer different looks sometimes.

I think for women other factors come into play and her opinion can change a lot based on the way she is feeling but confidence, looks, power, money and other factors can probably all influence your attractiveness to females.

Well.. for men.. it's not ALWAYS about looks.

For women it also should not always be about looks or even first impressions.

It takes time to get to know a person for who they really are. You just aren't seeing the person for who he/she is if you have just spend an hr.

All you get is an IMPRESSION. That's all perception is too.

Although, maybe if girls weren't so damn sexy or visually appealing (in a way that may foretell how a sexual experience would be like) we wouldn't have to be all about looks either :p


Well-known member
First of all...What are you going on about? Perhaps it's because I got no sleep last night, but I have no idea what you're talking about.

But, to answer the question in your title, no. Girls do not like guys for non-look associated reasons.

Just kidding, but seriously, looks are important. It's stupid to say they aren't. Everyone is physically attracted to certain people. We see people we think are good looking and we then are inclined to talk to these people. Once we talk to them we decide whether or not we like their personality. I'm not going to be inclined to go up to someone I don't find to be attractive to get to know them. But, if that type of person comes up to me first, and I decide they have an acceptable personality then I'll definitely be into them regardless of the way they look. It has happened many times to me. And, in a way they become more physically attractive to you once you see how attractive their personality is.


yea well. I try not to be so selective as to only be inclined to talk to good looking chicks. If I see something interesting about them that reflects character I'll talk to them too.
I couldn't care less about looks. It's all about personality for me.

I agree. What good is being with a good looking guy if his personality/character is so shallow he treats you like crap? Its just illogical to me.


Well-known member
I agree. What good is being with a good looking guy if his personality/character is so shallow he treats you like crap? Its just illogical to me.
Yeah...I think the problem with these threads lies in the wording of the question; What is meant by the word "like"? Some would equate it to feeling lust, others to platonic love.

As a chick myself, I want a relationship: sex AND in-depth conversation. Looks usually don't improve sex- for me personally, anyway- and they don't equate a sound mind....But others would say "liking" in this context would only include sex appeal, in which case, I am completely indifferent.

Silvox Black

Well-known member
No one is able to deny that appearance is a factor in our decisions, whether it be consciously or unconsciously. However that is not to say that it is the only factor. Appearance tends to give the potential lover a rating of sorts to see whether or not that person would be suitable as a partner. Since we are human, we are not always bound by this rule and we may pursue potential partner's even if their appearance is less than desirable. The intelligent will factor appearance into their judgment as well as that person's personality and beliefs. The superficial and the ignorant will view appearance alone.


Well-known member
Great posts, everybody! Now, here it is a bullet list! Isn't that cool you can do bullets in a post? Didn't know that til now.:D

  • You have to have money for wining & dining.
  • You have to have personality to be interesting.
  • You have to have sommmething in the physicality department that initially attracts, then keeps her sexual interests in you alive.

If you have at least one of those in the list, you're good.:)


Well-known member
Great posts, everybody! Now, here it is a bullet list! Isn't that cool you can do bullets in a post? Didn't know that til now.:D

  • You have to have money for wining & dining.
  • You have to have personality to be interesting.
  • You have to have sommmething in the physicality department that initially attracts, then keeps her sexual interests in you alive.

If you have at least one of those in the list, you're good.:)

Lol, no I had no idea you would do bulleted lists, that's cool.

I think the first bullet goes beyond wining and dining. I think it is simply that at first, but a woman wants to know a man can financially support her and a family. At least I did.