Do any of you have no friends?


I haven't had a real-life friend since I was 13, and that was a long time ago. I used to have a couple of internet friends, but since I'm not allowed on any SA websites anymore, except this one, I have lost contact with them. It's not a good feeling to know I'm so isolated ::(:.

None what-so-ever. Used to have one good friend, but that lasted for like 2 months. People either get real tired of me real fast, or just don't like me to begin with. :)


I have always had just one close friend at a moment in time, I always envy guys with many friends...too bad for me.


Well-known member
i don't have a lot.. they come in and out. i would rather be completely alone then living at home with parents.. almost 20 it's starting to get really painful....


I have one childhood friend that always stuck with me, even after a period of me ignoring him because I was getting increasingly frustrated with him. He's the one that pulled me out of my depression and I still consider him my best friend. I do have another friend but not that close (I did my internship at school with him and we occasionally chat).

The rest of the people I know I can barely call acquaintances.

I find it hard to have multiple good friends anyway, if I spend time with one I always feel guilty to leave out the others and I am scared to hurt them because of it.


not actually Fiona Apple
Friends, that idea is something that I'm not sure I totally know. I had a few "friends" through high school, but not really. Outside school and sports and work there was only 1-2 kids I ever went to hang out with, and I never felt like they were good (close) friends. So either I have had a good number of friends or a few to no friends with a lot of semi-close acquaintances, able to say some words to them but nothing real or with meaning. I may be going on 4-5 years without a real friend.


Well-known member
Other than my wife, I have no friends. She has friends though. I often get uncomfortable if we decide to be around them. I usually adapt somehow and get comfortable. I am capable at just avoiding the whole situation. That would be the preferable course of action.

I must edit that I mostly do consider people here friends. However, it is in an impersonal way.

Awkward Annie

Well-known member
I have one friend from school whom I see now and again but who has just as many issues as myself so it's not the most nurturing of relationships.

Other than that I don't have anyone that I could call randomly and arrange to go for lunch without that person thinking "err, why?". I also don't have anyone that might consider including me in their plans at the weekend or whatever.

I seem to be ok at getting to the first stage of friendship and then nothing, I can't seem to figure out how to develop and then sustain them so that they don't wither over time.


Well-known member
I had a few friends who cared about me and I pushed them all away one by one. Still pushing them away, with out even realizing it. There is only 1 left but he is distant now. I feel almost like I have split personalities, one side is hungry for self-reliance and being strong in isolation, the other wants human contact more than the air it breathes.


Active member
I can relate to so many of these posts...

I also tended to have just one very close friend though school. Unfortunately, the first two moved away and we lost contact. During high school I had two close friends (at separate times). Of course they both had lots of other friends, but I was content just to have them. The only problem with that is, if something goes wrong in the friendship - which it did - you end up alone. I really feel I was a great friend to these two, but I always felt used and taken for granted. And of course, they both abused our friendship to the point where I decided I wasn't going to allow myself to be treated that way again.

The way I see it, friendship is a two way street, give and take. You have to put in the time and effort, and I really can't be bothered. It would be nice to have someone to ring and have a chat, go to a movie or a coffee. But then I would have to be there for them and I know it sounds selfish but I value my own time and space. Being married, working shift work and caring for an elderly relative takes up the majority of my time and what left I need for me.

Still, I would really like to meet others IRL who understand SA...


Well-known member
I guess I could call them friends but I only see them in school. Some days I talk to them more than others but it's so inconsistent sometimes. I dunno, I feel like I am slightly someone else when I am around my "friends". I can't relate much and I can't open up to them so, it sorts of count as me not having any friends. I guess.