Do any of you have no friends?


Well-known member
I can't tell if I trust everybody or I don't trust anybody.
I have 2 people that talk to me online uhhm that's about it.
I'm usually a cling-on-to-one-"best"-friend-person so that I can go outside and have somebody not expect too much out of me but.. nobody at the moemnt uhm i'm on the search for a new close friend


Well-known member
I have people I talk to regularly at work etc, but no-one to do anything with outside of work. If I go out at all, it is always by myself. I sometimes find it hard to accept, but I have to take what I am given. Maybe that is part of a soul lesson or karma. Whatever the case, maybe I am destined to have no long term friends. That's okay, the years are flying by quick enough, which means that I am one step closer to the after-life, by which time I won't have to worry about SA or lack of friendships.
I've only really got the one friend, which happens to be my partner of four years. Besides her, I've only a couple of acquaintances, all of whom I see rarely.

Strangely enough, I met every single one of those people via the internet ;-)

I actually find myself disinclined to try and form friendships. Once upon a time I used to be a very social person, but these days that person is no longer. The only reason I'd like to get over my SA is to make life less stressful and a little more enjoyable, not so that I can make friends.
Right now, not really. I don't have anyone to call a best friend, no one I talk to on a day to day basis/hang out with. I dont really get calls or texts anymore, Im always home on the weekends. I have one older friend in particular I visit often.. and I feel so lucky to even have her in my life. Shes more of a mother figure than a friend, so since my real moms not around all the time I feel like she gives me that comfort.

But okay whenever someone DOES call or text me and they want me to hang out... I try to force myself to go and I will even tell them im going... but then I just won't. I know I make myself look stupid by doing that.

Now when it comes to the internet... I have a ton. Especially with my gaming community, Im constantly chatting.


Well-known member
I consider my brother to be my only friend, but we don't really hang out or see each other a lot. I have this one person who I text sometimes and she says we're friends, but she could care less if I existed. I know some people who live with my brother that I knew from high school, but I don't hang out with anyone.

So, I guess in all reality it is just me.


Well-known member
Or have you ever been through a period where you didn't have any?
For me I don't think I have been to the home or out in public with a non-relative in about 8 years, since I was in Jr. High school.
I have had school friends since then, good ones in high school, but not so much in college. It's been a lot harder since I have never held a real job, no money to go out and do things, or be up to date on any new technology or gadgets or games.
I want to go out and meet people my age, but I just don't have the will to strike up a conversation with people I don't know. I've also tried sites like meetup but the nearest group that has anything with my interests or even my age group is over a 1 1/2 hours drive. Sometimes I feel like faking a religious faith just so I have a group I am accepted into.
At least I am close with my two old brothers and my sister-in-law, I know some people don't have that.

Well, I have one friend who lives in another state, and I have some people I'm chummy with at work, but that's it. So if you added all them together, that'd probably be one real friend. It sucks, but I just don't have any real opportunities to meet people, and a good church is way hard to find. I'm thinking about taking adult ed or something, so at least I could have a reason to talk to people about the class, ya know?

petrified eyes

Well-known member
I recently got back in touch with a childhood friend via facebook. She gave me her number, said we should hang out/catch up sometime. Almost every day I stare at the phone wanting to call her, but I'm too afraid to. I'll occasionally comment on a post/update but that's it. I don't really have any other friends, acquaintances perhaps, but no one close. No one to hang out with. No one to (genuinely) ask how I'm feeling. No one to talk to. Damn this anxiety. ::(:


Well-known member
I have no friends whatsoever. I used to think I was happy this way, then I considered my habit of listening to YouTube videos just to hear people's voices and hugging my pillow in replacement of human contact.

;_; Head>desk

I can relate to a lot of what you feel. I don't have very many friends, just one really. She'll be gone this next week on vacation, but I haven't been able to spend much time with her this week because she's trying to get everything ready. Her and I usually fall asleep on the web-cam together, but that won't be possible at the hotel she's staying at. It's hard to sleep without her there, and sometimes I play audio books at night just to hear something so I can fall asleep. I hug my pillow quite frequently when she isn't around... I checked out a few random nature movies from the library, and a couple books so I'll have something to do while she'll be gone.

The worst thing about my dependency on her is that she doesn't like my neediness. She's my ex, and things just got too dramatic because of how I treat her sometimes, and how I acted around other people. I don't dislike her friends, don't necessarily like a lot them either, but I always seemed to rub her them the wrong way right from the start. I know they care about her, and I appreciate that they are were for her when she's needed them and I don't think they are bad people.

I would like to have some friends I could spend time with while she is away, but what others see to be my "extreme" morals tends to keep me from being okay around anyone. I am very easily offended by sexual things, and so being an American is often offensive to me. I realize that most places in the world would offend me just as much or more. Virginia is probably one of the more "tame" places in the States... but my problems with how sexual society is are my biggest barriers in not being so weird.

When something offends me, I typically go quiet and kinda shut off. I don't look around myself much because I don't want to be offended further, and I don't want to talk about what I am offended by because I'd rather just forget it happened. This isn't just awkward for "normal" people (who aren't bothered a bit), but also for my friend. She finds it hard to trust me because of the way I act, and the awkwardness of it is something she would much rather not have around.

I've been told it's alright to be offended, not that I thought any differently, and I want to be able to express it appropriately and not let it completely ruin my day. It's hard because this is the way I've dealt with offensive things for a long time now.


Well-known member
i have freinds at work , and a few outside work but i dont see them much , i really should make more of an effort to meet up with them , only problem is if i do all we end up doing is getting drunk :rolleyes: and that got boring years ago :cool:


Well-known member
My pattern growing up was to have one close friend. To the extent I socialized with anyone else, it was because they were friends of my one friend. As I moved through school, that one friend changed every once in awhile (like when my family moved), but I would still have one friend and my social life depended on that person.

As an adult, I have a lot of work acquaintances who probably would say we are friends, but I don't have even the one close friend like I had through college. I envy people with a large circle of friends.

Me too....
My pattern growing up was to have one close friend. To the extent I socialized with anyone else, it was because they were friends of my one friend. As I moved through school, that one friend changed every once in awhile (like when my family moved), but I would still have one friend and my social life depended on that person.

As an adult, I have a lot of work acquaintances who probably would say we are friends, but I don't have even the one close friend like I had through college. I envy people with a large circle of friends.

Same here. I had some people I got along well with in high school, but only one that I really did anything outside of school with. Otherwise it was just hanging out and chatting during the lunch period, or on the bus on the way to and from football games/marching band competitions (yes, I was a band geek ::p:).

And since high school I've only had one friend- and I lost touch with her 5 or 6 years ago. I have some coworkers who would probably call me a friend, but we don't talk or see each other outside of work. I feel like a bit of a freak- I posted on my facebook last night about having a Friday night to myself, but having no idea what to do- and I got a response (from my ex's gf who has no idea about my SA) that I should hang out with friends... I wasn't about to put on facebook that the only friends I have are online and live too far away.


Well-known member
I have a best friend but I haven't seen her since April because all she cares about is her boyfriend. And what really hurts is that I went to school with her boyfriend and he was the BIGGEST douchebag. So I'm thinking, great, this is the guy that stole my best friend. Makes me sick!


Well-known member
Same here. I had some people I got along well with in high school, but only one that I really did anything outside of school with. Otherwise it was just hanging out and chatting during the lunch period, or on the bus on the way to and from football games/marching band competitions (yes, I was a band geek ::p:).

And since high school I've only had one friend- and I lost touch with her 5 or 6 years ago. I have some coworkers who would probably call me a friend, but we don't talk or see each other outside of work. I feel like a bit of a freak- I posted on my facebook last night about having a Friday night to myself, but having no idea what to do- and I got a response (from my ex's gf who has no idea about my SA) that I should hang out with friends... I wasn't about to put on facebook that the only friends I have are online and live too far away.

move to sussex then :D