Did your parents "baby" you as a kid?


Well-known member
No. Not at all, ever.
Do you wish they did?

My parents did when I was growing up. If I couldn't do something, they would likely just do it for me rather than showing me. I think it was the same with my brother, too. It's set me back a bit. These days they realise I'm in my 20's now, even though my mum does sometimes like to baby me.


Well-known member
If I couldn't do something, they would likely just do it for me rather than showing me. I think it was the same with my brother, too. It's set me back a bit. These days they realise I'm in my 20's now, even though my mum does sometimes like to baby me.

My parents were/are the same way! And, I'm 30. It's aggravating, because I learned to not ask for help. They never helped me, they just took over.

My parents did baby me--and spoiled me--and bailed me out whenever I had trouble handling a situation. I think that's stunted my emotional/mental growth considerably. My entire family is very outspoken and independent, except me, which makes me feel like I'm the dumbest of all of us (considering I'm pretty sure a few are geniuses, maybe that's not necessarily such a bad thing. :D).

I think they let my brother make his own mistakes and learn from them more than they did with me. I'm not sure if it's because he was the oldest, or a boy, or because I was very small and fragile as a baby (my dad claims they expected me to die as an infant, but my mom denies it--I wonder if they just never told her).

I have spent my entire life being told (first by my parents, then in two abusive relationships) what to do, how to do it, how I feel, what I want. It's very hard for me to really figure out "who" I am at this point. I can hardly make decisions, and usually end up doing nothing when faced with different options.

My parents are also hoarders. We never had company, and we were not allowed to even let anyone see into the house. I think this exacerbated my anxiety greatly, and affected my relationships (both my friends growing up--I could never get very close, and my abusive partners later on--I was used to keeping a secret from everyone else). Honestly, I'm somewhat surprised I don't have physiological problems as a result.


Well-known member
I'm 26 and still treated like a child by my parents. At 26 they still don't trust me to make decisions for myself. It's been like that for years and yes, it's had a negative effect on me.

Philip Larkin was bang on the money.


Well-known member
I wasn't babied, but a lot of other people thought I was. My mom did a lot of things for me as a kid because I had developmental problems and was not able to do them for myself. I wish that instead of doing things for me though, I had been taught more how to do them for myself. It would have taken a lot of effort on my moms part though, and I guess she just didn't want to do it.


Well-known member
yes... my mother tends to treat me like a little kid by buying me chocolate, and believe it or not, tucking me into bed when i'm 19 years old now. I realized where the problem may lie recently.. being able to mix with adults because I have to 'act' adult and not act all cute and childish...
Yes they did. They were/are overprotective. I'm 30 now. I have a much older brother, he was protective too. Plus being the youngest, and the shyest one in the family didn't help. My brother had more freedom, and achieved a lot. I felt like I was slower, plus unlike my outgoing brother, I was timid. I didn't achieve much. My parents compared me to him all the time. And my parents and brother worried about me a lot. So it's natural even now to still act childish, because I was never treated like an indendent adult to begin with.


Well-known member
Do you wish they did?

My parents did when I was growing up. If I couldn't do something, they would likely just do it for me rather than showing me. I think it was the same with my brother, too. It's set me back a bit. These days they realise I'm in my 20's now, even though my mum does sometimes like to baby me.

Both yes and no.

I was doing laundry, & knew how to serve myself in the kitchen by about 6 or 7. There were leftovers often, & there was always cereal.
We had a microwave by the time I was about ten, but was able to operate an oven or stove without a problem by then.

It was a different time. My childhood then was absolutely nothing like the childhood of today. If I had a cellphone and a bus pass, facebook account... Wow, I can't even imagine.
To be perfectly honest, I'm very glad my screw ups didn't end up on youtube... :eek:
I was a hot mess as a kid. Total klutz! :D

I was on my own by the time I was 17. I wasn't ready, but it didn't matter. I did it anyways. Learned so many things the tough way...

Babied? I think it's probably a bad idea to baby a child. A good support system, close knit family is ideal...
But, kids need to scrape their knees and learn to get back up and laugh anyways. Experience failures and a little humiliation.
Life is perilous and messy. It's not even gonna be comfortable, it's the price you pay for living.


Well-known member
Spoiled children.

My parents decide for me what I will do and eat on my birthday.

I've tried fighting but they just ignore me (on a good day) or scream at me (on a bad day)


Well-known member
It was a different time. My childhood then was absolutely nothing like the childhood of today. If I had a cellphone and a bus pass, facebook account... Wow, I can't even imagine.
To be perfectly honest, I'm very glad my screw ups didn't end up on youtube... :eek:
Yeah, it is a very different time now. I'm seeing 8 year olds with iPhones and iPads and all that, and it was certainly a different time from even when I was growing up, and I'm not even that old.


my mom was very strict n we were brought up as extremely obidient and innocent kids..i suffer anxities due to her parenting stype..

she's not weird but yes i hate the way she exaggreates things for us..still she's doing the same..but she loves me i know