[Deleted for personal reasons]

Is it true that men can't share their feelings or else theyre head will explode?

Yes, this is true.

Except on a Tuesday.

And also on every other Saturday, but only if it rains in the afternoon, and only while wearing a green shirt (otherwise the occurrence rips a hole in the space/time continuum for some reason. It's a right pain in the butt).


Well-known member
The forum topics have a been a bit women-heavy as of late, some less flattering then others.

So.. here's for fairness, balance and searching inner peace. So, let us discuss; men. Did you know they were aliens originated from the planet Somdana 5? No? It's true.

Also they drink beer and love sports. If a man goes without beer or sport for more then 46.2 minutes, it dies. But that's okay because a man has 3 lives.

..I haven't fact checked any of this, but I'm pretty sure I'm in the ball park.. if not dead on.

LoL you're great! Nice way to even things out :)


Active member
im from planet Nobody... and its well-known fact that the nobody's just really hate the everbody's