Cursed from birth


Well-known member
Does anyone on this site feel they have been cursed with bad genes, that has set them up for a difficult and pointless existence. :mad:


Well-known member
Yes I really do. I was born with eczema, bad and pale skin from my parents who have a combination of many skin diseases which I feel they cursed me with. As well as my anxiety which my mother has. I think my brother got all the good genes (he happens to have beautiful tan skin) and I got the leftovers to be honest ::(:


Well-known member
Yes I really do. I was born with eczema, bad and pale skin from my parents who have a combination of many skin diseases which I feel they cursed me with. As well as my anxiety which my mother has. I think my brother got all the good genes (he happens to have beautiful tan skin) and I got the leftovers to be honest ::(:

I know how you feel, I'm just the same.


Well-known member
I've sometimes thought I had bad genes, and that I'd be doomed to a pointless and miserable experience too...

But I also learnt good things from my folks, and well, life is not just about being a 'Barbie doll' or Ken, or having a 'perfect' personality... You can do interesting things and have a meaningful life even if you're not 'perfect' by someone else's (or your own) standards...

We are only partly defined by birth, a lot of other factors come into play later: environment and our own free will too!!


Well-known member
perhaps we should be like the ancient Spartans

all newly born children were inspected by the council of elders

any deemed weak or otherwise unsatisfactory were left in the mountains to die or be eaten by wild animals

it might address the overpopulation problem


Well-known member
I had a conversation with my brother once, before he'd met his wife and before I'd been diagnosed, about whether it'd be fair for either of us to have children, given the genes we'd likely pass on.


perhaps we should be like the ancient Spartans

all newly born children were inspected by the council of elders

any deemed weak or otherwise unsatisfactory were left in the mountains to die or be eaten by wild animals

it might address the overpopulation problem

Good idea hehe. Only the strong survive in the wild too. :)


heheheheheheh, how very grow up you are . How old are you 13 :mad:

Laugh a little, its just a cheeky comment back at coyote, nothing to get angry about but sorry if it derailed your tread, I couldn't help posting something back to that comment. :)


any deemed weak or otherwise unsatisfactory were left in the mountains to die or be eaten by wild animals

it might address the overpopulation problem

Its a good thing we have grown past that barbaric mindset and can now see that all people have worth and the right to live despite any percieved "weakness"

My two cents - going now.


Well-known member
Its a good thing we have grown past that barbaric mindset and can now see that all people have worth and the right to live despite any percieved "weakness"

My two cents - going now.

Thankyou ShiKiwi, a considered and educated response :)


Well-known member
Its a good thing we have grown past that barbaric mindset and can now see that all people have worth and the right to live despite any percieved "weakness"

My two cents - going now.


no one is cursed - this isn't Sparta

that's my point


Well-known member
ahh... probably not.
I do feel a little cursed right now, though.
Being depressed and agoraphobic with only one skill I could ever use as a career-- but being terrified of people and having no grip on emotion will keep me from being able to do what I want... what I used to want, and I no longer really care for but feel completely useless without it.

...vague, yeah- but I do know that 'cursed' feeling.
I'm only good at one thing and I can no longer do it anymore.
(so that makes me good at... exactly nothing. haha)


Well-known member
I'm not sure if this has a link to anxiety and depression with neurosis, but I was born late, with big boils on my scalp.


Its funny because i think i have pretty good genes. Im naturally muscular, always had very good memory and i was a quick learner. I dont want to appear arrogant, but in my family most of us are this way. The problems with me is my ****ing personality. It feels like **** because on paper i should be doing fine and people dont understand.


Well-known member
Its a good thing we have grown past that barbaric mindset and can now see that all people have worth and the right to live despite any percieved "weakness"

My two cents - going now.

Yeah true! If the Nazi's would have won the war all 'imperfect' people like those with disabiliteis would have been eradicated. Thank god it never came to that!