At first I thought everyone was overreacting, then I began to think people weren't taking it serious enough, and now I've swung back to feeling like people are going too far again.
I think what Trump said about the cure shouldn't be worse than the disease is something I've been thinking about a lot too. It's hard to know how to respond appropriately; how to get the balance right. The question of the value of life is a hard one to answer. If the virus was only affecting my community how much would I be willing to sacrifice to save them? Washing my hands, social distancing, buying their shopping, no problem. A few weeks off work, taking a small economic hit, dipping into my savings, sure, I can do that. But destroying my life's business, going bankrupt, not being able to feed my own children? That's tougher.
I think it's the use of force by the government that troubles me the most. If it was left as a voluntary decision that each individual can make as to how much they're willing to sacrifice for the sake of the vulnerable, then that would've sat with me better. Though perhaps that's naive? Or maybe heartless, I don't know.
But I've always had a problem with forced altruism. It's like, imagine if there was a big hurricane that ravaged a chunk of your country. Then imagine if the government forced all the people in the areas that weren't hit to hand over all their savings to help the ravaged town. It wouldn't seem right. If people want to voluntarily donate money then that's fine, but it shouldn't be forced.
Well, how is this virus any different? For most people this virus won't affect them much at all, and yet we're all being forced to make huge sacrifices for the sake of those that are hit. Now, again, for the most part, many of the sacrifices I was happy to make voluntarily anyway. But when I hear of people's life business's going under and I hear talk of a depression worse than the 30's, I wonder if we're going too far.
And I know a lot of people are gonna die from this thing, but millions of people die in all kinds of horrific ways every year globally, but nobody ever gave a shit about any of those deaths before. I've struggled with this for years; that I can't save everybody. All I can control is how much of myself I'm willing and able to give to others, and anything I choose to give should be considered a gift, not something others are innately entitled to.
I just feel like we've gone about this all wrong. When a hurricane is heading to a certain town we don't tell the whole country to evacuate, just those in the danger zone. Similarly, I think we should've told the most vulnerable to self isolate, while the rest of us do our best to protect them and limit the spread as best we can to the measure that we're each willing and able to sacrifice.
But I don't know, maybe this situation is a little different. Maybe we are the hurricane. I'm not sure. Anyway, rant over.