Convinced that everyone hates me


Active member
Marie_knowsbestt said:
if you read about, recluse posts the same thing in pretty much every post 'im a prick and no one likes me, not my fault....its the worlds!' not in so many words tho.
people with problems, no problem by me, people who do nothign but pitty themselves, i do have a problem with, i dont think ive ever actualy seen a post from him saying what hes gonna do about his problems, just that hes got em!

i probs know more about it than you think actualy, but i aint gonna go into all that again. social phobia is a cognitive disorder with anxiety as a conseqeunce yes.
but this post is about constructive as me posting a topic saying 'im a prick' with nothing more to elaborate or any kind of 'but how might i get over this?' he doesnt even ask for a opinion. nor has he answerred questions since.

he doesnt no why he thinks people hate him, nor does he know why he thinks people laugh at him. therefore. get over it. no-one hates u. no ones laughing at you.

I really don't think you understand social phobia.


Well-known member
hulkamaniak said:
On topic, I feel exactly the same, and little things verify this, whenever someone has an interesting topic to talk about at works, its never to me, they always choose to start it with someone else. I sometimes try and bring myself into the coversation and get totally ignored or talked over - it hurts a lot.
Yes, this also happens to me. It just confirms what you have always believed about yourself; that you're somehow not likeable. Really painful.
Sometimes I feel like everyone I work with hates me too. But I try to remember my values, one of which is being friendly. So I try to be friendly and eventually the feeling that everyone hates me goes away. I really don't know how they feel about me. But the task at hand is doing good work so I try to concentrate on that.

Maybe they just don't like how SAD (social anxiety disorder) makes us. But that would be their problem not mine. We're doing the best we can and that's all we can do.

We should all ignore the troll.

Dottie if you wanna post more just create a user called Dottie1 or something, I've got sabbath92003 in case I'm in a posting mood.


Marie_knowsbestt said:
if you read about, recluse posts the same thing in pretty much every post 'im a prick and no one likes me, not my fault....its the worlds!' not in so many words tho.
people with problems, no problem by me, people who do nothign but pitty themselves, i do have a problem with, i dont think ive ever actualy seen a post from him saying what hes gonna do about his problems, just that hes got em!

i probs know more about it than you think actualy, but i aint gonna go into all that again. social phobia is a cognitive disorder with anxiety as a conseqeunce yes.
but this post is about constructive as me posting a topic saying 'im a prick' with nothing more to elaborate or any kind of 'but how might i get over this?' he doesnt even ask for a opinion. nor has he answerred questions since.

he doesnt no why he thinks people hate him, nor does he know why he thinks people laugh at him. therefore. get over it. no-one hates u. no ones laughing at you.

I think your trying to help in ya own kinda way... but you really just dont.... :? You say you know alot about social anxiety disorder.. Well theres a difference between understanding facts and symptoms and understanding what its actualy like to live with on a day to day basis... and if you do understand you could try and be more subtle and show somthing called empathy.

Anyway if you dont like people talking about there problems... do one,go somewhere else if it bothers you that much this is a support site after all... I dont understand why you feel the need to come on this site and cause shit.And "get over it?" "get a grip"... those sorta comments really make it look like your talking out of your arse.Cos if it was just a case of getting a grip im sure recluse would of done it by now.


Well-known member
Argamemnon said:
recluse said:
I'm convinced that everyone at work hates me, and also that they laugh at me.
Why do you think so? Don't they talk to you, or do they treat you differently? And are you sure they're laughing at you?

No they do talk to me and i try my best to be pleasant to everyone, but i can sense that people feel awkward in my company. I feel really anti-social, although i do desire to be social i think people see me as this unfriendly aloof guy.


Well-known member
Danfalc said:
Marie_knowsbestt said:
if you read about, recluse posts the same thing in pretty much every post 'im a prick and no one likes me, not my fault....its the worlds!' not in so many words tho.
people with problems, no problem by me, people who do nothign but pitty themselves, i do have a problem with, i dont think ive ever actualy seen a post from him saying what hes gonna do about his problems, just that hes got em!

i probs know more about it than you think actualy, but i aint gonna go into all that again. social phobia is a cognitive disorder with anxiety as a conseqeunce yes.
but this post is about constructive as me posting a topic saying 'im a prick' with nothing more to elaborate or any kind of 'but how might i get over this?' he doesnt even ask for a opinion. nor has he answerred questions since.

he doesnt no why he thinks people hate him, nor does he know why he thinks people laugh at him. therefore. get over it. no-one hates u. no ones laughing at you.

I think your trying to help in ya own kinda way... but you really just dont.... :? You say you know alot about social anxiety disorder.. Well theres a difference between understanding facts and symptoms and understanding what its actualy like to live with on a day to day basis... and if you do understand you could try and be more subtle and show somthing called empathy.

Anyway if you dont like people talking about there problems... do one,go somewhere else if it bothers you that much this is a support site after all... I dont understand why you feel the need to come on this site and cause shit.And "get over it?" "get a grip"... those sorta comments really make it look like your talking out of your arse.Cos if it was just a case of getting a grip im sure recluse would of done it by now.

Thankyou :) Why everytime she posts something i feel 10 times worse......Hmmmm :roll: :?:

I there was a pill to cure social phobia i would take it...Believe me! I don't care if it would mean me selling my car and all my posessions to buy just one pill which would cure social phobia indeffinately....Sadly such a thing does not exist. Social phobia is hell to live with and i don't think any of us find it fun!


Marie_knowsbestt said:
if you read about, recluse posts the same thing in pretty much every post 'im a prick and no one likes me, not my fault....its the worlds!' not in so many words tho.
people with problems, no problem by me, people who do nothign but pitty themselves, i do have a problem with, i dont think ive ever actualy seen a post from him saying what hes gonna do about his problems, just that hes got em!

i probs know more about it than you think actualy, but i aint gonna go into all that again. social phobia is a cognitive disorder with anxiety as a conseqeunce yes.
but this post is about constructive as me posting a topic saying 'im a prick' with nothing more to elaborate or any kind of 'but how might i get over this?' he doesnt even ask for a opinion. nor has he answerred questions since.

he doesnt no why he thinks people hate him, nor does he know why he thinks people laugh at him. therefore. get over it. no-one hates u. no ones laughing at you.

I understand what you mean, because i know i have problems, but i dont know how i can get around them. I know that the way forward is awkward because of my anxiety.

I try to add to other peoples conversations with some sort of encouragement or something i can relate to.

Some people need to know that they aren't the only individuals with a problem, and should "join in with the group" so that everyone can relate with each other.

At the moment these forums are like someone waiting for death! :(
Or even worse...The living dead.


Well-known member
Ignore her recluse.. we like you. Listen to the people who make you feel good and may actually have a chance of bringing your mood up.
Awww don't feel bad. It looks like everyone on this website likes you!!!!

Ignore Marie knows best. Thats just like her fucking opinion man.


Well-known member
I like you cause you said you liked my truck didnt you? 8)

But even if you didnt care for my truck...i'd still like ya...I'm just nice like that.



I think Marie wasn´t addressing social anxiety, but Recluse´s passive attitude in general. TBH I can´t see no reason why this topic was started now because 1. there have been already so many discussions on this or similar problem in the past 2. this post seems to me unconstructive, it is a simple statement without trying to analyze the situation further or without asking particual questions for example if there is anything he could change about the situation etc. If he said he didn´t ask because he couldn´t change it anyway, what´s the point of posting then (let alone starting a brand new topic about that). If venting, OK...

I may sound like I am moaning sometimes as well, esp. being so fatalistic about that anxiety or low self esteem couldn´t be changed by our own effort. I may seem to blame it on my family etc. That´s because I am convinced it is true. To blame everything on myself would be fake. Like it is when for example a woman was beaten by huband and tries to deny it, saying she has fallen off the stairs. This is no virtue, but dishonesty. But apart from this. there are certain things I do blame on myself and know that they are my fault and that I should get a grip of it. Anyway when Recluse posted it, he must have counted with receiving some adverse reactions as well... that´s life. And I do not mean this in a bad sense, sometimes we need a bit kick in the ass to get going... And it helps us more than patting the back.

As for people laughing behid our back, I think most people at times experienced it. From my experience I can say, this is not only some paranoid hallucination, but simpy truth. The people really ARE laughing and talking behind my back. That´s how the human nature is. Anyway they are not worth worrying because it´s mostly idiots who are not to be envied. If I get in this situation, I just try to get away from this company, even if it should mean quitting job. Better end up eating grass than working with people like this. Or looking for some job from home perhaps, if we can, or search for other alternatives.


Well-known member
One guy at work called me a ''Thick c@nt'' today because i did something wrong on the computer..I don't know if he meant it as a joke but he is known to be an asshole in the workplace and i have seen him staring at me from afar as if he is judging me. God! I hate places of work! 8 hours with people you don't want to be with.


Well-known member
recluse said:
One guy at work called me a ''Thick c@nt'' today because i did something wrong on the computer..

Im sorry :( What an asshole! ... I cannot stand it when people say things like that whether they mean it or not..makes you feel like shit.


Well-known member
I feel the same way. We all have msn messenger on our work computers and our cubicle walls are low, so you can see each other, and whenever I see people around me talking on msn messenger, I have myself convinced that they're talking about me and laughing about me and going on and on about how weird I am.

I honestly try to act friendly, and when people talk to me I do okay, but I don't know how to start up pleasant little conversations myself. It's like I just quietly sit at my desk until someone talks to me.

I have been there two months now and already I have had a number of people say to me, jokingly, "quiet down now would ya!" As in they obviously notice how quiet I am. I don't want to be, but I can't even help it. :(