recluse, i am sorry if you thought that maybe i was trying to be horrible to you or anything like that, i know thats how i can come accross, but i truly mean well, i care about people, people in general and it just pains me to see otherwise healthy people beat them selves up so much. it sounds like you've had a tough life mate. but i feel like, maybe its time to let go of the past? i know you have SA now...and trust me when i say nothings harder than letting go of something, which has shaped u into who u r today, its hard to break the mould and i truly feel for you.
what you need to do though mate, is stop lettin bastards from your past make u feel like shit today! if we remembered every piece or critism or name calling, then we would be very upset destraught people. people can be creul. and to be honest, people only name call people who they kno arent going to react and do one better. thats not to say its right. i guess what im sayin is, dont let bastards of yeserday, today and tomoro shape how ur gonna feel next week. find alternative help and resources, just keep tryin!!! the more u talk about why u have sa now, and whats happened in the past the more ur gonna carry on living in it.
ive been beaten up before by 3 people i was out with as friends when i was 15. it was at a park, and it was all fenced in. some wanker held the gate door so i couldnt get out. i got punched in the head 3 times, and managed to leg it. luckily these girls werent that strong, i didnt have a mark on me. but i was emotionally very hurt. thing is. looking back i had seen these people do similar things to people before me. so i was stupid for hangin out with em in the first place. it didnt matter if it was me or someone else that night, same thing woulda happened, but ya know. looking back i have no opinion on it. i dont care anymore! imagin what it would be like if i based everyone i met on those 3 girls? i wouldnt trust no one! but u cant live like that. u just have to make good choices.
anyways. hope thats been of some help to ya.