Convinced that everyone hates me


Well-known member
I feel that way at school. I can never relate to anyone so i always feel like they are talking behind my back or something. I think its a trust issue...i just dont trust people.


Well-known member
I don't think people hate me but I'm darn sure they look down on me as a lesser person.


Well-known member
oh god recluse get over it. inless people say to you i hate you, or if peole r literaly luahging in your face, then people arent laughing at you.

you post the same old shit man, get a grip.


Well-known member
Oh what a lovely reply, NOT. You can be so nasty sometimes.

I know exactly what you mean recluse. And if you can't vent and express your feelings here then where can you. You keep posting, same as you always have.

And I like you :D


Well-known member
its not nasty to tell someone to get a grip when there bein rediculous. what is nasty is to tell someone they have everyright to think people hate them and give them a pat on the back.
if i thought everyone hated me, id rather here look mate ur bein stupid, no one hates u, than awww there there not all of us can be liked ay.


Active member
Marie_knowsbestt said:
oh god recluse get over it. inless people say to you i hate you, or if peole r literaly luahging in your face, then people arent laughing at you.

you post the same old shit man, get a grip.

Don't you realise that this is one of the symptoms of SA? Are you really so stupid to think that people can just get over it? If it was so easy none of us would be here! But if you think they can maybe you can enlighten us to how 'we just get over it'.


Well-known member
People usually don't talk to me, so I know they think there is something wrong with me. I don't know if they hate me, but they definitely don't feel comfortable around me.

It may sound strange, but I think that people here don't like me either. Am I paranoid? :?


Well-known member
Worrying that people are judging you negatively is at the core of social anxiety, so OF COURSE people on a social anxiety forum are going to make posts like this.

And social anxiety isn't something that you just snap out of.

What I don't get is why people are even here if they can't relate or if they honestly think it's that simple to cure themselves.


Well-known member
Marie_knowsbestt said:
oh god recluse get over it. inless people say to you i hate you, or if peole r literaly luahging in your face, then people arent laughing at you.

you post the same old shit man, get a grip.
You're such a sensitive and thoughtful person.


Well-known member
recluse said:
I'm convinced that everyone at work hates me, and also that they laugh at me.
Why do you think so? Don't they talk to you, or do they treat you differently? And are you sure they're laughing at you?


Well-known member
doubt it, man! i get the occasional paranoid thought about my workplace, too. and as it usually turns out, it ain't true... so don't stress about it


Well-known member
if you read about, recluse posts the same thing in pretty much every post 'im a prick and no one likes me, not my fault....its the worlds!' not in so many words tho.
people with problems, no problem by me, people who do nothign but pitty themselves, i do have a problem with, i dont think ive ever actualy seen a post from him saying what hes gonna do about his problems, just that hes got em!

i probs know more about it than you think actualy, but i aint gonna go into all that again. social phobia is a cognitive disorder with anxiety as a conseqeunce yes.
but this post is about constructive as me posting a topic saying 'im a prick' with nothing more to elaborate or any kind of 'but how might i get over this?' he doesnt even ask for a opinion. nor has he answerred questions since.

he doesnt no why he thinks people hate him, nor does he know why he thinks people laugh at him. therefore. get over it. no-one hates u. no ones laughing at you.


Well-known member
i thought we used to have a little icon for "do not feed the trolls"... oh well.

anyway, recluse, i completely understand how you feel. i feel that way all the time, too. at work i feel like people are watching my every move and they mock me behind my back. things they might say are that i am slow, i am awkward, or bad at things. i only sense it around certain people, not all of them. i wish i didn't give a shit what people think of me and i don't understand why i do. in the big picture i don't... but when i am in the situation i care way too much.


Active member
Hate is strong word and if you feel like people are out to get you and make your life miserable, then it is a big deal and can be extremely stress full. If venting here can reduce some stress then that’s great. I don’t see why someone would judge peoples threads here and tell them to get over it, we deal with enough judgmental crap in the real world?

I search these forums for solutions, advice and communicate with others who struggle with similar issues. I’m going through something similar recluse, and I can relate, so I appreciate the thread and poster’s responses. I can’t offer much help Recluse, but don’t listen to the people spouting stuff like “just get over it”.


Well-known member
It takes a lot of effort to actually hate someone and you dont seem like the type of person that would do anything to justify someone to feel that way. I guess the point is so what if they do ? So what if they laugh at you or judge you negativly. This is what phychs tell me all the time anyway.
I actually prefer people to hate me then have that uncomftable half-way freindship thing with work people.


Well-known member
Lexmark said:
It takes a lot of effort to actually hate someone and you dont seem like the type of person that would do anything to justify someone to feel that way. I guess the point is so what if they do ? So what if they laugh at you or judge you negativly. This is what phychs tell me all the time anyway.
I actually prefer people to hate me then have that uncomftable half-way freindship thing with work people.

good points.


Active member
Marie_knowsbestt said:
if you read about, recluse posts the same thing in pretty much every post 'im a prick and no one likes me, not my fault....its the worlds!' not in so many words tho.
people with problems, no problem by me, people who do nothign but pitty themselves, i do have a problem with, i dont think ive ever actualy seen a post from him saying what hes gonna do about his problems, just that hes got em!

i probs know more about it than you think actualy, but i aint gonna go into all that again. social phobia is a cognitive disorder with anxiety as a conseqeunce yes.
but this post is about constructive as me posting a topic saying 'im a prick' with nothing more to elaborate or any kind of 'but how might i get over this?' he doesnt even ask for a opinion. nor has he answerred questions since.

he doesnt no why he thinks people hate him, nor does he know why he thinks people laugh at him. therefore. get over it. no-one hates u. no ones laughing at you.

So first you try and kill recluse with your post, and the english language at the same time, stop multitasking.

On topic, I feel exactly the same, and little things verify this, whenever someone has an interesting topic to talk about at works, its never to me, they always choose to start it with someone else. I sometimes try and bring myself into the coversation and get totally ignored or talked over - it hurts a lot.