clowns like me


Well-known member
now im always mucking about on this forum , making childish comments , just trying to lighten the mood on here , is there room for clowns on here , or do you think this site should be strictly for serious people , i can be serious ... i have been serious many times ........ the question is should the clown uniform come off , or just serious debates 24/7 , im afraid my um shooling wasnt that great and most of the questions on here are hard for me to answer ..... so a poll ...... clowns go away or clowns stay ..... i await some good and some vicious replys :cool:;)


Well-known member
i like that about this site everyone is nicer and not as uptight and touchy as the other sa sites ive being on, the humor really lightens up the place so don't stop :)


Well-known member
There has to be a place for anyone who has a two-way conversation with their pet dog about SA.


Don't stop clowning, I love you man! (not in a gay kind of way) :D

oh you read that did you lol :rolleyes::D


Well-known member
Humor and clowning around are always good to ease the tension. Especially on a site like this. Some people are down in the dumps, and a good laugh from a friend can make all the difference.


Well-known member
Humor and clowning around are always good to ease the tension. Especially on a site like this. Some people are down in the dumps, and a good laugh from a friend can make all the difference.

thanks philly ..... course this doesnt mean were gonna start taking long warm showers together or anything :rolleyes::D


Well-known member
I, for one, appreciate clowning around. I'm a complete goof and I laugh a lot in my daily life. Some people are more serious than others, but I can't imagine my life without humor and laughter. You're certainly not offending or annoying me in any way. If anyone is annoyed by your antics then they're probably not going to just come out and express it. Don't worry about're not hurting anyone and you should be yourself if that is what makes you happy. If a person doesn't like what you write then they're not obligated to read and/or respond to your threads/posts. If they are bothered by something you may have written then they ought to speak up. It would to them some good to express their discontent. Sure, I appreciate it when people lighten the mood and goof off so it probably seems like I'm being bias.

your phone number please :D:D:D:D


Well-known member
MRB!! I love your silly comments!! I think internet forums are sometimes taken too seriously (look at a few Christian ones I am a member of....whew!!!) and a little bit of fun to break up the seriousness (bickering....blah) is always appreciated by me!! :D


Well-known member
MRB!! I love your silly comments!! I think internet forums are sometimes taken too seriously (look at a few Christian ones I am a member of....whew!!!) and a little bit of fun to break up the seriousness (bickering....blah) is always appreciated by me!! :D

why thank you emily :) you have a heart of gold ;)


Well-known member
I love reading your fun, joking comments, of course there is room for clowns like yourself hehe! ::p: if i'm having a bad day and reading a thread and come across a funny comment it can totally lift me out of the grumpy mood! So i say carry on, be you, we love it! :D


Well-known member
do you :) im just trying to put a little humor into a bad place ::eek:: you all have been through so much crap in your life , and iv love to wave a magic wand to make it all better , but i cant ::(: wish i could people going to sleep now gazza x