clowns like me


Is 'FOR REAL' a clown?

haha AYE!!! im a clown, i was even a clown (or nutcase) before someone nearly killed me by battering me over the head with a steel rod!! i had a few bad seizures after that. i think it may have effected my brain a wee bit you know!!:eek:

keep on clowning MRB:D


Well-known member
I like that the forum has had a bit of humour injected into it recently, it's been too depressing for far to long! it's cool to have a giggle and joke, carry on with the fun times i say lol


Well-known member
I think deep down everyone is a clown, but not everyone is always the HAHA funny kind of clown.

Also there's nothing more hilarious in the world wide world than serious people. Knowing this is what separates me from them.


Well-known member
It's probably one of the reasons I've stuck around on this forum. Forums need a good balance of people to keep them interesting, especially forums with the subjects we discuss on here. You can be reading some quite serious stuff and then end up laughing at a good funny comment.


Well-known member
Never stop clowning, i love the fact that a joke can be had on this site, a few others i have been on are always very serious and i dont like that..

May the clowning continue for as long as this site does :D
Hmmm... I like humor too but I personally find the MRB nick a little strange because there is a Clive Barker novel with a character of the same name and it's very disturbing.
the humour is always good. there can be a lot of depressing sh*t on this site lol. on the downside i'm terrified of clowns


Well-known member
I guess I gotta start remembering to use those emoticon thingies so people will quit taking me too seriously.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Clowns like me, lions adore me
I mean even the ones who never saw me
Like the way that I rhyme at a show
The reason why, man, I don't know
So let's go, 'cause

It takes two to make a thing go right
It takes two to make it outta sight
Hit it!
Clowns like me, lions adore me
I mean even the ones who never saw me
Like the way that I rhyme at a show
The reason why, man, I don't know
So let's go, 'cause

It takes two to make a thing go right
It takes two to make it outta sight
Hit it!

especiallu sandrah bullock singing it, i think it was in The Proposal..


Well-known member
I try to be serious if I am asking or answering a legit question. But I clown around a lot too. Like other have said sometimes topics can get a little gloomy so I say there is no harm in lightning the mood will a little silly humor here and there.


Well-known member
Humour is (almost) always appreciated. :) I find clown costumes creepy and disturbing, though...