buying stuff thinking it would bring you friends

i just noticed that i wasted a lot of money on high priced cloths, shoes, accessories,ect over the years to look flashy thinking it would make up for my lack of social skills and would bring me friends.i had to wear $250 sneakers and $300 jeans just to seem normal.then after i buy it i still felt shi*y cause it still didn't bring me friends

does anyone else buy or do unnecessary stuff to seem normal or to get friends?


Well-known member
It's your personality that gets you friends. If you're getting friends based on the clothes you wear.. They might be pretty superficial friends.. :/

I'm sure I've bought things to "fit in" a bit more.. But I've never spent excessive amounts of money on clothing or accessories.. That's only because I don't like spending money like that on things that aren't necessary.

wow well I am kinda the complete opposite. I feel like a digusting person like myself deserves to wear disgusting old dirty clothes with holes in them, so obviously I don't spend any money on clothes... I would never even dare try. I don't know why you think that stuff would bring you friends though? They won't be able to tell the difference between your $20 pair of jeans and your $300 dollar pair of jeans.
i used to feel like that. used to try n get the latest sneakers that came out or never get clother from telco or sumthing. Then I realized its not the clothes. I still think about doing it sumtimes but then i remember that I really dont need it, and my real friends like me for who I am...

wow well I am kinda the complete opposite. I feel like a digusting person like myself deserves to wear disgusting old dirty clothes with holes in them, so obviously I don't spend any money on clothes... I would never even dare try. I don't know why you think that stuff would bring you friends though? They won't be able to tell the difference between your $20 pair of jeans and your $300 dollar pair of jeans.

dont say that about yourself::(:


Well-known member

wow well I am kinda the complete opposite. I feel like a digusting person like myself deserves to wear disgusting old dirty clothes with holes in them, so obviously I don't spend any money on clothes... I would never even dare try. I don't know why you think that stuff would bring you friends though? They won't be able to tell the difference between your $20 pair of jeans and your $300 dollar pair of jeans.

LOL I'm the same way. I wear clothes until they look too ridiculous to have in public.
And my car is always dirty and full of trash, and our yard is never cut.
I buy the same kind of 30 dollar shoes at the store every time because I can't decide which style I like.
My pants come from Walmart.
All in all it amounts to me being lazy / wanting to do nothing / wanting $1000 to last me as long as long as possible.


Well-known member
yep, often when I buy clothes I'm thinking stuff like "oh, people are gonna notice me in these", or "I bet if I wear this she'll talk to me". Of course it never works. I'm the same way about haircuts. I pay like 40$ for haircuts every months and while it helps the self-esteem, it does nothing for the social life.
I can honestly say I've never bought anything to impress other people. I can't stand materialism, and I don't want those kind of people around me anyway.


Well-known member
If you need to wear expensive clothes or own expensive stuff to get friends, then the friends you get would be the kind of people who'll only be your friends as long as you possess these expensive things. These are not the kind of people worth your time or effort.


Well-known member
If you need to wear expensive clothes or own expensive stuff to get friends, then the friends you get would be the kind of people who'll only be your friends as long as you possess these expensive things. These are not the kind of people worth your time or effort.

I totally agree with the above, but it's easy to see why so many people literally buy into the belief that owning this car or that pair of shoes will improve their lives. You only need turn on your TV, open a magazine, glance at a billboard, watch a film, walk down a highstreet etc etc to have expensive and psychologically manipulative advertising rammed down your throat - all of it promising to make you cooler, sexier, happier and more successful in return for a little of your money. As cynical as I am about it, I get taken in by it too sometimes... ::(:


Well-known member
i did the whole abercrombie pahse for a bit but after that iwas like this is ridiculous...i dont really even like these clothes

Reiji Moritsugu

Well-known member
Nope, I have never bought stuff for that reason
since I´ve always believed that my personality is
what I have to long as I keep having
such pathetic social skills, it won´t matter whether
I´m wearing $300 dollar shoes or anything like that ._.

I do buy a lot of things when I have money though,
and I´m sure it´s all explained by the following quote
from a movie called "Ghost World" [great one, btw]

"Since you cannot connect with people, you fill your
life with objects so your life does not feel that empty".
[not sure of how accurate this is, but it surely gets
the job done]

Maybe others buy stuff for the same reasons...go figure.

See you around :)


Well-known member
i just noticed that i wasted a lot of money on high priced cloths, shoes, accessories,ect over the years to look flashy thinking it would make up for my lack of social skills and would bring me friends.i had to wear $250 sneakers and $300 jeans just to seem normal.then after i buy it i still felt shi*y cause it still didn't bring me friends

does anyone else buy or do unnecessary stuff to seem normal or to get friends?

I've always thought if I had nice stuff I'd have lots of friends. Perfect example: My parents bought a Lexus IS250 a couple years ago. I loved the car (still love it) and I thought all my friends would envy me and for some reason I'd start meeting new people. I felt on top of the world for the first few months when I drove it.

Now however, when I think back to what I thought I was going to get out of driving a nice car I feel like an idiot. What I want now more then that lexus is to own my own car, even if its not so good. Don't get me wrong, the Lexus has brought a couple people who come up to me and talk to me about it, but I'll never see them again, I don't care and besides they always ask, is this your car?? I say no its my mom's. Lol I wouldn't lie about it, I'd feel fake and theres nothing more I hate then feeling fake around people.

Anyway, back to you, if you didn't spend all that money on nice things and had saved it up, what would you buy now??