i thought this was interesting:
Voter turnout - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
low voter turnout isn't just a reflection of indifference - it could also reflect how content people are with the status quo
Yeah - perhaps. But it also doesn't mean that it's NOT indifference either.
I have read research papers that suggest conservatives are much more likely to vote than people who are liberal - especially if there is a conservative government in place - which is highly irritating to me, seeing as I feel quite strongly against conservative ideas.
So, I am about to make a post about dating, women and rejection. Just giving you fair warning - I am about to vent. Please dont read if you think the topic of this has the potential to offend. Of course I in no way intend it to be, but I cant guarantee how my feelings, words and ideas are going to be interpreted.
Actually - that probably makes it sound far more dramatic than in needs to be - it really isnt that bad. It's more to do with my insecurity than anything else.
So I am trying this internet dating stuff....again. I have had a blow to my self esteem, and me being the kind of person that I am, obviously my self worth has taken a permanent blow.
There was a girl that I got talking too, who initially approached me. We got talking a bit, shes friendly, interesting, engaging she seemed to like me (although she was a bit funny about me not smiling in my profile photo, I tried to reassure her that I was quite capable of smiling, and often do in the real world) - her profile was unique to me, because she stated things like - "I dont judge a book by its cover" "I take time to get to know people" "I give people a chance" and other such sentiments...
This invoked an emotional response within me because the last woman that I dated, who like me, didnt give me a second date (because I was too nice) - so I thought this was very reassuring and that I have found someone
finally not willing to dismiss me straight away - and actually give me a chance.
We exchanged emails for a few days, got on extraordinarily well, found lots in common, anticipation was starting to rise - mutual excitement, flirtation etc. The day before we were about to meet she said that my photo was too dark, so I took one and sent it to her phone.
She didnt get back to me - I sent her a text message asking if she got it. She said she had but wasnt sure if there was any attraction there. She said sorry - but the spark was lost - I wasnt her physical type.
I realized - that as usual, all of the "good" stuff about me was completely negated by something that she couldnt get past. People often like my personality but there is just one or maybe two things that are uncompromising and absolute deal breakers. It never ceases to amaze me.
Anyway this makes me feel very hurt - insecure and resigning to the fact that I am not a very good looking person. My self esteem will never grow because of this fact. It hurts me to know that I am going to be forever disadvantaged - that despite being all good on the inside, my outer shell is going to hold me back.
I think this is what happened with the first girl too - she like me personality but thought she could do better, not just in the looks department but also in the life success department too. :'-(
I hate being disappointed. I wish I didnt want anything. That is the only way...it
is the only solution.
Anyway long story short - attraction was there - saw picture of me - attraction lost. I guess looks matter...of course they do...I dont understand why people dont seem to want to acknowledge this fact.
and it hurts me.
There is also something else I want to get off my chest too (completely unrelated) but I will elave that for another day - maybe by then it wont bother me so much.