Are you satisfied with your appearance?

looks may be a part of SA, but the biggest problem isn't how u look. with SA u have to except r [ersonality and excepting r persona also means excepting the way u look, which is the smallest part of the puzzle, the biggest is excepting rself in the fullest.. i'm pretty satisfied with my looks, use to be very hot, but I gained like 10 kilos, but I know my SA wouldn't change loosing those 10 kilos... and take it from me, not bragging but I'm real pretty and I have SA so don't focus on r appearance it's just an excuse... :D


Well-known member
Im not satisfied with my appearance. I was until recently, then I thought you know what, I can do better than this. I started bodybuilding 6 months ago and im making good progress so im really positive its great for confidence.


Super Moderator
Not really... I think I'm as pretty as a roach :(

A couple of people disagree, though. It makes me feel better, but another part of me thinks they are blind or they just pity me.
Never. I always have something physical that I fixate on that I let mess up my confidence. Once I fix that thing, I will find something else to fixate on. I have been doing this my whole life.


Well-known member
Love/hate. I'd like to get more fit, lose 1-2 inches on the stomach, hips and legs. I also am very obcessive about my hair. I want to make it look nice, right now it feels so boring, so meh.

I don't think I look bad on my good days, I just wish I could look healthier and stand out more.


Well-known member
Ive always wanted to be bigger. I'm 5'10 and about 140. I always wanted to be more muscular and stop having people call me skinny. Hate my wrists. Really pisses me off. I feel i stand out because of my appearance and wish no 1 would look at me.


Well-known member
Ive always wanted to be bigger. I'm 5'10 and about 140. I always wanted to be more muscular and stop having people call me skinny. Hate my wrists. Really pisses me off. I feel i stand out because of my appearance and wish no 1 would look at me.

same here,i'm only 5'8 and i'm really skinny,always wanted to be bit more muscular,just my torso,then i would probably look kickass in my skinny jeans,lol.Actually i try to eat more than i used to,trying to do exercise every day and stuff,but it's just seems im not moving anywhere.At the moment,i hate my look.
no,but seriously,girls doesnt even pay attention to me,so i dont even have any motivation to start talking to anyone,knowing that i'm gonna be turned down or maybe i'm just ugly,lol.
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Well-known member
I've never been satisfied with how i look, and i don't think i ever will be! there's too much about me that i hate i could list them all here, but i don't want to bore anyone lol
Im getting more comfortable with mine. I was xtremely big when i was younger, about 250 lbs when i was around 13 or 14. Now that im older and im losing weight, i have alot of excess skin that i could do without. Oh and sum man boobs as well. Im trying to get more comfortable with myself tho
I am personal not satisfied with my appearance. I am semi-overwwight, I was pretty skinny as a kid, but after SA and meds I am not anymore. I would workout and do more, but motivation is the key, and I lack that alot, in many ways. So yea..


Well-known member
Nope. I hate the way I look. I cud loss some fat and I've seen better. Idk. Guess I have issues.

Hate the scale.


No, I hate the way I look. For me it's the sole cause of my SA and responsible for about 99% of the negative emotion I have experienced in my life and 100% of the bs physical symptoms, mainly IBS, that I started suffering from when i started university. The strange thing is I don't even wish I was good looking, although that would be pretty cool, I just wish I had an average face, symmetrical, clean, even plain. Then I would know that when interacting face to face with people they are concentrating on what I am saying rather than considering/sub-consciously analysing where my relative looks place me in the food chain of social worth/acceptance, even though it is on a superficial level.

I hate the fact that people with good looks get to live life on 'easy mode' from a young age and that people with average or worse looks have to work extra hard to achieve less in so many areas of life. Don't get me wrong I am happy for these people that they are blessed by looking great, my bro is one of them, it just pisses me off that it puts me at a disadvantage. I would gladly give back my degree, all my business and financial success for a lower intelligience and better looks if it meant I could be free of the bs of suffering with SA. My thinking might seem warped and fkd up but I am pretty sure I wouldn't have had to deal with most of this if I was nice-looking and could lead a full and normal life without it holding me back and dragging me down.

(my ideal life) Better looking ===> instant social acceptance ===> no reason to fear anything ===> high confidence level ===> zero bs SA.

On the plus side I have still managed to achieve a lot of success in my life, in business and in love and I am highly self-motivated so I always try to say 'fuk 'em Rambo style and get on with things. I guess it just frustrates me that it's been so freaking hard to do while dealing with SA (and IBS) most of my life.

Rambo short vid:

I'd love to have a more public life, be able to speak confidently in front of crowds of people, communicate pursuasively and articulately in speech and have a large group of friends and adoring fans. I feel like I'm stuck with a body, face and personality that is just not capable of being the great and valuable person I want to be.
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Well-known member
Personally, I am not satisfied with my appearance at all. I hate to sound whiny and hopeless but in this aspect of my life that is how i feel. I avoid looking at mirrors or windows that might show my reflection because of the disgust it provokes mentally. As most people that see me would say i am a mouth breather or overweight. It is weird because when I was in highschool i was a normal weight but due to having no motivation to do anything, eating unhealthily and self medicating with alcohol, I have become the fat guy in the group. I feel like no girl is or will be interested in me due to my weight and looks and complete lack of social skills so I avoid them at all costs.
I've always thought I was ugly as a kid. When I was in kindergarten and elementary I used to think my face was boring-looking because it's so normal, compared to the other kids. As in not having any distinguishing features. When I moved to Canada in middle school I saw how good all these white people looked and how beauty is portrayed in the media and my self-image just took a tremendous nose dive. So I ended up wearing glasses all through middle school and high school even though I don't really have to. I thought it'd cover up my ugliness and make me look at least somewhat normal. It came as a real surprise when I met a friend in uni who told me I'm a good-looking guy. And then a whole bunch of other people whom I trusted basically said to me the same thing. So these days I actually feel attractive sometimes but I'm far from satisfied with my appearance.

Ren Koutaisou

Well-known member
I have mixed feelings about the way I look.

When I was working in fast food, I used to get hit on kind of often. I'm 21 (male)now, I was 18~21 then. There were some pretty hot ladies there, and I am glad that they hit on me even though it lead nowhere with them because I was too stupid and insecure to flirt back.

Now, my vision started going bad and since I wore these damn glasses, I have only been hit on 1 time damn it. I hate wearing glasses, I wear contacts most of the time anyway. But those are annoying too.

I got back into working out, since I tend to eat a lot, it seems to work quickly. I am feeling steadily better about myself day by day.

I don't like when people say I'm skinny either, but I'm 6'0 and 180 pounds, and people STILL say I'm skinny. I'm like WTF are you talking about, I weigh more than you. They say it's the height.

I'd like to get braces to fix my teeth, that would make me feel miles better. Once I can get 2000 dollar down payment, hello Invisalign.

I want to grow my beard out, but I can't do it because I work in a restaurant. My mustache is coming in, ...very.....slowly......

I also want to grow my hair out on my head. But not directly in the eye of the public. Most of my problems apparently can be resolved with a better job.


Well-known member
I've never been satisfied with my physical appearance and I'm convinced I never will be. I was told my father, who was a rather handsome man, had the same problem.

Spending hours in the mirror in the bathroom trying to fix what he thought were imperfections so much so that people thought he was in there because he was vain. I do the same thing.

And it's gotten to the point where I just hate to tell people how ugly I really am because then they do the whole, "Oh no you're not" bit and it just gets old. You don't believe them and you also don't want to come off as one of those people who puts themselves down for compliments.

I'd rather someone come along and agree with me for once. Stop patronizing me. I hate the way I look.

Ugly and Social Anxiety simply don't mix.