Are you PASSIVE? (Find out here)

Johnny Infoyno

New member
I was reading this article on Assertivness: SocialRetard.Net Blog Archive Assertivness

And this part really stuck to me;
Passive individuals don’t know how to adequately communicate their feelings and needs to others. They tend to fear conflict so much that they let their needs go unmet and keep their feelings secret in order to ‘keep the peace’.

How many people here fit the description? I think becoming more assertive can have very good benefits for people with SA.

What do you think?


Well-known member
Yes and No. I keep them secret until I think the time is right to bring them up, and have thought up a good way of doing that.
I know I'm not assertive, and I think learning how to be more assertive would definitely help me. I think there are varying degrees of it though, social phobes may be too passive, but it's also possible to be too assertive, and I think the trick is figuring out what works best in a given situation.


Well-known member
I could probably stand to be a bit more assertive, but if somethings really bugging me I try to tell the person.


Well-known member
Probably! anything for an easy life sometimes. I wont let people go too far and take the mickey though. Not anymore.


Well-known member
Passive individuals don’t know how to adequately communicate their feelings and needs to others. They tend to fear conflict so much that they let their needs go unmet and keep their feelings secret in order to ‘keep the peace’.

Damn, I definitely am passive, though not as much as I used to be.


Well-known member
I'm definitely passive. I was forced to take an assertive course few years ago but walked out on the 2nd day due to the role playing etc. Anxiety got to high. That's what I call a FAIL :(


Well-known member
Yes I'd say I am passive, most of the time in real life I won't express my opinions on anything because other people might say "You're wrong because..." so I tend to just agree with them and don't argue. I think if I tried to be more assertive people would just laugh at me.

On this site, I've tried to express my opinions here, I guess because as it's the internet there is no "consequence" although I fear some members may not like what I say and I might contradict myself, so I only really give my opinions on a few topics.
Been a problem my whole life, Im very passive...but not passive aggressive. I have a hard time finding anything online about being passive without the word aggressive tied into it. But anyway very slowly I'm trying to be assertive, and its hard because people with S.A. are terrified of rubbing people the wrong way, we pay careful attention to peoples reactions and facial expressions, and if they look displeased or upset well, my stomach anyway sometimes will drop out, even if I'm right it doesn't matter, I feel twinges of guilt.


Well-known member
I'm passive. I usually avoid conflict all the time if I can.

But I'm starting to get better about this actually. And I can see real changes. I feel more confident and I worry less about what other people are thinking about me. I think people respect me more too.


Well-known member
I have to say that I've been quite passive in the past.

But have been more assertive in recent years about what I want. I'm not really afraid of conflict as much. Only thing is that I might come along as too aggressive which I get the sense that I do sometimes. So I just need to find a happy medium. It's a social skill that I'm lacking. Be assertive but be nice about it.
Well if something does bother me that someone says (in particular, a friend of mine that just has a rude personality) i usually dont say anything until ive downright had enough.
but also, i don't tell anyone else if i have a problem, i will keep it to myself. i hate to show emotion and i rarely cry or show it like that either. but i think im becoming more assertive, i just get scared it will come across rude and i will lose friends.


Active member
There are smarter ways to behave than the assertive way.. you are not constrained to be assertive.. personally, my passiveness is pretty and usefull..