are you more intelligent..?


Well-known member
do you feel more intelligent than others around you? I'm not the smartest person ever and I do have my stupid moments but I'm in high school and whenever I am forced to do group work with classmates it's so frustrating. They can't spell and don't know how to use grammar properly, they don't know what simple words mean, and they don't understand straight forward intrustions. I don't even know how they get through school, I don't want to sound rude...they are nice people... but it feels like I'm back in grade 5.
"chashier...wait how you spell cashier? do you spell benefits?...what why would you need to know math if you're a cashier?" yeah that's pretty much how they say things and it gets really annoying sometimes. does anyone else feel like this?

also, has anyone ever had to do a self assessment before? I had to do one for a big project and i gave myself very low marks even though in reality i probably did a lot better. but i'm a perfectionist and everything i do never seems good enough, and i dont want to seem full of myself or give myself more marks than i deserve, so i feel better when i mark myself low. I gave myself an almost failing mark of 50% which will probably really bring my grade down. if i had to guess my mark in that class i'd say it's a 60, but really right now it's a 90. i know marking myself badly may sound weird when i could give myself perfect and have way better marks. I just hate self assessments so much!!!! it's like if you ask a beautiful person with low self esteem if they're pretty and they say "no" or an ugly person who's full of themself and they say "I'm the hottest".... it's pointless and there's no truth. it's just going to make one person feel terrible and the other feel superior to everyone else.


Active member
Im also a perfectionist and i understand why u would give your self low marks, i think the main idea of those self assessment's is to be honest, but u do make a good point with self esteem. i have very low self esteem so my achievements to me dont mean anything, i always focus on the negative and im very harsh on myself. Im constantly striving for perfection with everything.

As for feeling more intelligent than other people i dont really get that feeling that often, it sounds like ur a very intelligent person your self, and peoples ignorance annoys you.

anyways im new to this site, so sorry if u found my reply was rubbish :(


Well-known member
what are "intrustions?" ::p:

Even if you are more intelligent than others your age, try not to look down at them. It will only isolate you further. But no worries, there are many other intelligent people out there. You'll find them eventually... most likely in university or college (i don't know if you're in high school or not).

lol, instructions, sorry. oh how i suck at typing.

and i don't look down on others, i actually feel like everyone looks down on me. and i dont even feel that smart, maybe average, but i feel as if others aren't living up to that average intelligence that's expected from them. im definately not a nerd or anything but I'll get nearly perfect on a test (even without studying, and in subjects that don't interest me) that was really easy and everyone else will nearly fail. i just feel that maybe other students don't see things on the same level or the same way that i do. i don't know :S


Well-known member
I am smarter then most people in the small town I live in,but certainly NOT as smart as many people I have met in my life.

I think part of this comes from the fact that when I was young,I enjoyed much older people then I was,I would rather be around them then people my own age back then because they had a lot of 'life experience' i did not have yet and I loved gaining knowledge from them.

My friends at the time didn't understand why I was like that,but I am glad I was....except because of being a bit smarter now it seems like a day doesn't pass when someone doesn't call me to ask me a question or for advice on something..I asked someone today was I the 'brain' for all those that didn't want to use their own..he replied,'why yes,yes you are!'..oh well,not a problem,we are what we are.:)


Well-known member
I relate to everything you're saying. I was like that too in school. I never studied for anything and always did very well on tests. I don't understand people who study a lot, sure you can memorize something, and recall it from memory, but you don't really know it. I always have to know why so then I can work through things in my head without memorization. Though I did poorly in classes that were mostly memorization i.e. foreign languages.

What you're saying about people seeming less intelligent than they should be, it only gets worse when you enter the working world. Sometimes I look at these memos that are posted on the bulletin board at work, and I just have to laugh at all the misspellings, people who don't know "their, there, and they're." Trouble grasping simple concepts of electronics such as polarity, it seems like no one has any common sense. How did these people get to where they are in life? :confused:


Well-known member
I feel like I'm fairly intelligent, gifted even. I've done a lot of reading on gifted traits and can relate to many of them. I practically never studied in school and had all As and Bs, portuguese class was straight A+ for all 4 years, virtually no effort, even in the advanced class. The word "genius" seems to follow me around. Some days I'm convinced I'm actually stupid. I do have a sickeningly big ego though, so...


Well-known member
I think everyone is smart in their own way. I'm more street smart than book smart so I guess more then my friends but there is a lot of people who could beat me in school.


Well-known member
Ohhh I feel the same way. I always went through high school picking up the slack of my group work partners and they took advantage of that. I do think I'm smarter than the average joe but I don't look down on others for it but some people think I do. I took physics in university and barely went to class and never worked with anyone else yet still finished and did ok. I work better on my own because first I usually think very different than others so we wouldn't get along and secondly I can just think more clearly when I'm alone. I never liked group work because no matter what we all get the same grade even when you were the only one doing the work. When I do work on your own and you fail that is because it is your fault, no one else's.


Well-known member
Hmm... intelligence or just the fact I am more focused (not as easily distracted by social interactions). This focus honed over 20+ years has trained my brain to be better and more effiecent at learning/performing tasks than the average person who often increase the time required to do the same tasks with unnecessary social interactions.
This often being misinterpreted as more intelligence.


Well-known member
What is intelligence? What is being smart? I never got that. There are different kinds of intelligence. I think it's too broad of a question.

Am I smart? I don't know. I guess I don't know what that means. So, maybe I'm dumb? Definitely a possibility. :)
Don't know the difinition of inteligence. I finish the Uni as 2nd best student of my final year. Some years after I still don't have a job. So don't see any inteligence there. Some of my "friends" needed 7 years out of 5 to graduate. Nowadays they work, have a wife and pretty happy life. I would change all my good grades for that.

Hapiness is the ultimate goal. If u measure your life at the end, is not how much books u have read or wrote...but how happy u were. That's inteligence: ability to be happy.


Well-known member
do you feel more intelligent than others around you? I'm not the smartest person ever and I do have my stupid moments but I'm in high school and whenever I am forced to do group work with classmates it's so frustrating. They can't spell and don't know how to use grammar properly, they don't know what simple words mean, and they don't understand straight forward intrustions. I don't even know how they get through school, I don't want to sound rude...they are nice people... but it feels like I'm back in grade 5.
"chashier...wait how you spell cashier? do you spell benefits?...what why would you need to know math if you're a cashier?" yeah that's pretty much how they say things and it gets really annoying sometimes. does anyone else feel like this?
yes. I think I've always felt like I'm too intelligent, people just don't get me and when they try, they get jealous. I've never been good at school because even I feel more intelligent than the teachers. yes, my level of intelligence exceeds academically that I never even tried my best. :rolleyes: Not even my report card can prove it. So by the time I ended up with depression, my intelligence started deteriorating rapidly until I'm now simply average intelligence. :D

ok maybe that's not exactly true about what I feel about myself. I guess pretending like I'm smarter than everyone else even though I'm really not is one of the reasons I fell into depression earlier on. I acted as if I knew certain things that even my parents didn't know about, which is why I didn't depend on them for help. There were lots of times when I thought I had all the answers to my questions and had ideas that no one would consider because I felt that they weren't mature enough to understand them and it made me feel worse. But I never really forced anyone outside my family to agree with me. I never tried to put others down in order for me to feel better about myself because I've been mistreated before by people who only wanted to make themselves look good. /end of rant.

But I can totally relate to the whole correcting people's grammar and spelling. It's not like you need to make a big deal about it but sometimes you just can't help but teach people a lesson or two. I mean, no offense but if you happen to know that most people who live in a developed country who have access to education and are considered "literate", to me, I just have a low tolerance (almost zero) for misspelling simple common words. It still drives me nuts when I see people confuse words like "you're" with "your" :eek: I feel my brain exploding whenever I come across those typical errors. I know the difference between typos and actual incorrect grammar usage.

Here's an example: "Your so sutpid!!"

If I wasn't paying attention to the spelling, I would just ignore the immaturity of this comment and move on. But since I see this error done so often (like everywhere on the net), it seriously drives me up the wall that I would actually take the time to make corrections, add and subtract a few letters here and there so that I won't have to go on a killing rampage. :mad: Seriously.


Well-known member
The biggest lesson to me coming out of these two scenarios (and probably will be my downfall) is that I learned to be successful it's important to have a high degree of interpersonal/social intelligence on top of being academically strong and well versed in what academia values as important knowledge.
Yep, many people who are of just average intelligence move high up on the job ladder because of their social skills! Sometimes it's all about who you know and who likes you.

Some of my "friends" needed 7 years out of 5 to graduate. Nowadays they work, have a wife and pretty happy life. I would change all my good grades for that.

Hapiness is the ultimate goal. If u measure your life at the end, is not how much books u have read or wrote...but how happy u were. That's inteligence: ability to be happy.
So very true!!!


Well-known member
What is intelligence? What is being smart? I never got that. There are different kinds of intelligence. I think it's too broad of a question.
I agree. Too many variables.

My above average ability to spell makes people think I'm smart, and I did get okay grades at school up until year 10, but look where that has gotten me now.

On a pure IQ level, I do think my brother is smarter.


Well-known member
Actually, I am just putting the finishing touches to my "General Theory of Absolutely and Utterly Everything".


Well-known member
Often I feel less adequate than my peers at work. I see the way some people respond to my anxiety and I do question their intelligence.


No doubt average.... but like everything else intelligence is completely subjective. I have seen a lot of so called "smart" people be incredibly stupid and.... vice versa.

But I dont know. I would never want to feel like that I am smarter than anyone else because who am I to claim that I do? I stand by what I think is right, but I am not conceited enough to say that I am more intelligent than anyone, because I know that as soon as I do, I close myself off to learning the unknown.
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I feel smarter in SOME things, and stupider in others. I think part of intelligence too is to be openminded and understand that not everyone can be smart at everything?


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I don't really know. I think I appear more intelligent than I actually am. If that makes sense? I think I'm pretty average at best.