Are you attractive?


I think big noses are attractive on girls. There is a lot of personality in noses. The ancient Egyptians used to paint everyone in profile to capture the shape of the nose, which was considered by them to be a defining feature. I think I agree with that.


Well-known member
I'm sure that my look is not very attractive... I'm chubby which don't help much . The strange thing is that i have attracted to a lot o chubby girls - it's so cute.

I try to put in my mind, well i'm not going to changethe way i look, so i will like myself the way i'm... but it's harder then just thinking...

Why it's so different to think something and to feel something?
in social situations i generally feel like the ugliest thing in the whole world...


Well-known member
I think I'm very attractive but I'm afraid I'm ruining that by drinking every day to cope with social anxiety + depression.


Well-known member
beckiboo said:
if it wasnt for my big nose I think id look ok...blonde hair and blue eyes, quite slim frame, I havent got big tits, but I wouldnt want them anyway, im quite short too but that doesnt bother me either...its just the ugly,awful nose with the massive bump in it and its SO long too! once, I posted a pic on another forum and I got compared to the penguin from batman :oops: ...that hurt pretty bad and the moderator had to delete the thread cuz it was so harsh...but I wouldnt have got the comparison if it wasnt true would I?!! grrr...I wish I had £3000 to get it fixed right now!!! :evil:
People on the internet are just assholes,because they can get away with it,they probably did to be more popular or to feel better about themself,I have seen some really atractive people be made fun of,they will pick anything.......


Well-known member
I know I don't appear attractive because of my severe anxiety and depression. On good days I like my face in the mirror, but on bad days, which are most days, I appear extremely ugly.


I seriously don't understand those people who consider themselves attractive, and still can't get rid of social anxiety. Maybe this sounded shallow but if I think about all the positive responses that attractive people get just because of their looks, it seems so true.


Well-known member
Most days I dont feel attractive at all. Ive been told I look ok, but of course I dont believe people. Theyre just being nice.
But for the past few months ive been really depressed and stressed out a lot so I kinda just stopped taking care of myself. And mean comments from other people have made me less confident. Its weird to see how much ive changed in just the past few years. I actually think I was a bit stuck up when I was younger :? So maybe I deserve to feel this way now. Fugly and stupid and lots of other things sdlkfjsdkfjsdajfksdljfskld.

And you asked how you can find out if you're attractive. Well there's this website where people rate how you look. It's probably not the best way to find out, but it's all I can think of. And it's probably not a good idea to post your pic on there if youre a girl. Seems you only get high ratings if you show lots of boobs and stuff.... LAME!


Well-known member
ameo said:
I seriously don't understand those people who consider themselves attractive, and still can't get rid of social anxiety. Maybe this sounded shallow but if I think about all the positive responses that attractive people get just because of their looks, it seems so true.

definately! not that really attractive people don't get anxious and have feelings but it can be an advantage as well as a great way to hide your insecurities, lets face it we live in a world where shallowness regarding looks is everywhere, whether its being chosen for a job you crave or presenting yourself at a party or finding a partner etc not that it makes it right and people are usually brain-washed by tv and mainstream culture on how to look and our body image...

so no wonder people compare and obsess as its always being brought up and confronted with in every day life, even if you agree that we should all be judged on character ..

my advice is to keep as fit as you can be and wear the clothes that you think you look great in not what you believe you should be wearing because of some fashion fad or pressure to conform ..

also the novelty of looks is usually short-lived and wears off quickly, its a disposable temporary feeling for most people