Are you attractive?

This is probably the dumbest thing ever.... I seriously don't know if I am attractive or not. What is the best way to find out. Should I ask some random girls or what.

Also when I make any eye contact with a girl they immediately look down or away, is this a good or bad thing?

I duno, I need some help.


Well-known member
Well, you can ask people. You can post a picture and ask people here. You can listen to what people say.

If they look away, that's because they're shy!!! They're probably embarrassed that you caught them looking. I think it's a good thing!


Well-known member
i sometimes wonder the same thing. i dont think im hideous, but i know im not attractive. i think that i just dont ever socialize enough to get any kind of attention or consideration :(


Well-known member
You'd think that after a few women say you are "really hot" you'd get the drift but apparently not. I'm still very self-conscious about my looks.


Well-known member
I don't think that I'm terrible looking, but I don't really think that I'm attractive either.


Well-known member
I never know either. Even when someone flat out says, "This might be a weird thing to say, but wow, you are really beautiful!" I'll think, "Hmm... maybe they think I'm pretty.... I wonder what they mean by that?"

It's like although I'm unsure about how I look all the time I'm also completely oblivious to or unwilling to accept the compliments that I receive.

When people say that I'm attractive I assume its because they want something from me, so I never trust that its a real opinion.

I'd be very curious to know un-objectively what people thought of my appearance... but I'm not sure that's possible. I think I could be beautiful if I lost all this weight I gained and learned how to look like a "girl" but everyone has their own concepts of beauty and standards of assessment.

One's standards are usually highest for themselves... :roll:


Well-known member
I used to think I was attractive a few years ago. I was tone, had nice hair, more confident, etc. But, my looks are really starting to go. I gained some weight (not too much though), am getting older, less fit, hair is crappy now, etc. I still think I am okay, but not as cute as I once was. I guess the attention I recieved was an indicator to me that I was okay looking. I actually got hit on at Target, at the gas station, bars, at school.. But, I can't remember the last time anyone has hit on me anymore.


Well-known member
guys, I look like a hunk, have a body of a gymnast.

The bottom line, its all in your mind. Don't let the other person be in a position to judge you.

It doesn't not matter what you look like. Its what you give and convey.

Give positive energy and people will be attracted to you.

So a typical person night be like this..

Guy is nervous. Talks to a girl. Girl feels the nervous insecure energy.
Her gut instinct tells her to get away. She does. Guy is shattered by this.
Looks at the next couple where the guy happens to look like a model.
Thinks shit I don't look good. This loop repeats till it becomes his law.
The media helps a bit. (yeah just a little bit.. freaking media)
In the end you become what you believe.

anyway.. time to shave my amazing face :)

Here's a picture of an attractive person. my inspiration for today.

Look at the arms on this guy.. ( Respect )
Look at his smile.


Well-known member
if it wasnt for my big nose I think id look ok...blonde hair and blue eyes, quite slim frame, I havent got big tits, but I wouldnt want them anyway, im quite short too but that doesnt bother me either...its just the ugly,awful nose with the massive bump in it and its SO long too! once, I posted a pic on another forum and I got compared to the penguin from batman :oops: ...that hurt pretty bad and the moderator had to delete the thread cuz it was so harsh...but I wouldnt have got the comparison if it wasnt true would I?!! grrr...I wish I had £3000 to get it fixed right now!!! :evil:
If someone said you were attractive, would you believe them? I would not because I would over analyze it and such. But if someone said to me that you are ugly, then i would take that very hard and become even more depressed. I think either way i lose...


Well-known member
NightTimeForever said:
You'd think that after a few women say you are "really hot" you'd get the drift but apparently not. I'm still very self-conscious about my looks.

I totally agree with this! I do get compliments from girls but I just don't feel "hot". I just think it comes down to self-confidence. There are plenty of people who aren't that physically attractive, but they have othe attributes such as self-confidence that draws people towards them. That is what I wish I had.


Well-known member
Simple_guy_VT said:
If someone said you were attractive, would you believe them? I would not because I would over analyze it and such. ...

Me too.
I've had nice comments from people, but I just put that down to them trying to be nice.

beckiboo, another one here with a stupidly big nose :roll: :lol:


Active member
why do noses have to grow so long? especially when i need specs, and it just seems to emphasise the bump i have in it! ah well!

when my boyfriend compliments me, i am usually really caught off guard, cos deep down, i just dont see myself as being attractive. i usually dismiss compliments from other people, i just put it down to them trying to be nice.