Are women evil?

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Yes? or No? Explanation?

Are women and their single-minded quest for emotional fulfillment the source of all evil and suffering in the world?


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Yes? or No? Explanation?

Are women and their single-minded quest for emotional fulfillment the source of all evil and suffering in the world?

Absolutely. They exist only to feed upon the sorrow of man and spend all of their time not tormenting men thinking of ways to torment men. And they have teeth in their vaginas!

And there's one standing behind you right now!


A lot of people can be evil, it's not a matter of gender.

I agree, but women are evil in a very specific and devious way. They only care about their own emotional needs and will use anyone indiscriminately, even their own children, to fulfill them at the expense of the victim's own well-being. What's even worse is that they are very good at it. They're very dangerous.


Well-known member
A lot of women behave in a very negative, evil way, which is why I've always been afraid of them, especially since around the time of puberty, but they're hardly the cause of all the problems of the world lol.

I think it's funny how I refer to women as "they" even though I am one lol. Probably because I'm not like "them."


Well-known member
So you've encountered some bad ones, you can't say ALL. I know it's hard not to be cynical when that's all you've seen. Sometimes I'm like...I hate all men because they can't get their mind out of their penis...but you can't judge an entire gender of people based on what you've experienced personally. Sorry you feel that way, though.


Absolutely. They exist only to feed upon the sorrow of man and spend all of their time not tormenting men thinking of ways to torment men. And they have teeth in their vaginas!

And there's one standing behind you right now!

This part I agree with. It comes naturally to them so they don't need to dream up any new techniques or anything.


Super Moderator
I agree, but women are evil in a very specific and devious way. They only care about their own emotional needs and will use anyone indiscriminately, even their own children, to fulfill them at the expense of the victim's own well-being. What's even worse is that they are very good at it. They're very dangerous.

Oh really? Then how come I am a girl and I think such behavior is disgusting and deserving of a bitchslap? =/

I'm not going to deny there's people (yes, PEOPLE in general, not just women) who act that way and worse, but that doesn't mean everyone else is the same.


Well-known member
Pandora opened the box and Eve bit the apple! Yeah yeah, women have been blamed for the evils of the world for such a long time, and it's a bit ridiculous. Though I must admit that I have my own suspicions about girls even though I'm one, myself. To a certain extent I definitely think that many women carry out their own fulfillment before anyone else's. But I'd like to think that's just a phase in a lot of our lives, not only women. I also think that men and women have very different ways of thinking about things and making things happen. Maybe this appears as strange and intimidating to some men because they don't really understand it? Women are compassionate by nature and very much in-tune with their (our) own feelings for the most part. Just because we may pick apart at a guy's thoughts and feelings too doesn't mean we're trying to ruin you.


Well-known member
Some are definitly evil yes, but so are guys. Evil Women are just sneaky and conniving instead of upfront most of the time and play games with you, us guys just say some **** when were pissed and leave it at that.
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I really love all these threads talking about how evil women are. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.


Well-known member
I agree, but women are evil in a very specific and devious way. They only care about their own emotional needs and will use anyone indiscriminately, even their own children, to fulfill them at the expense of the victim's own well-being. What's even worse is that they are very good at it. They're very dangerous.

enough! that is not true.
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