Are women evil?

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Well-known member
I'm sorry but guys are just as evil and conniving as women all you have to do is look at the statistics for rape/sexual abuse/physical abuse against women versus against men.....if anything the women you are talking about are that way because of the men that treat them that way......this topic is way too frequent here and it annoys the **** outta me....I'm sorry but you need to educate yourself because you sound very ignorant and stupid right offense....


Well-known member
^^exactly, if anybody got it confused I am against all the generalizing too that's why I say some women but I believe men are more evil than women becuase like Rxqueen said guys do all the rape and all that so theres evils on both sides.

My moms dog is evil though, she s*** on the rug yesterday so she is a bitch. But she was already.


A lot of women behave in a very negative, evil way, which is why I've always been afraid of them, especially since around the time of puberty, but they're hardly the cause of all the problems of the world lol.

I think it's funny how I refer to women as "they" even though I am one lol. Probably because I'm not like "them."

Well good. I'm glad another woman can see women as they are. If you really are a woman then perhaps they are not all bad.


So you've encountered some bad ones, you can't say ALL. I know it's hard not to be cynical when that's all you've seen. Sometimes I'm like...I hate all men because they can't get their mind out of their penis...but you can't judge an entire gender of people based on what you've experienced personally. Sorry you feel that way, though.

I think your criticism of men is justified to some extent. Women experience love and romance etc. in a much more "brainy" way than men do imo


Women in the USA are crazy; I don't know about the rest of the world though.

Very, very good point. Western women have gone far, far off the rails. Women do have good qualities in the proper context and setting. The west is not this setting. Women being treated as identical, wholly equal members of society has put us into a very confusing, chaotic society.


Pandora opened the box and Eve bit the apple! Yeah yeah, women have been blamed for the evils of the world for such a long time, and it's a bit ridiculous. Though I must admit that I have my own suspicions about girls even though I'm one, myself. To a certain extent I definitely think that many women carry out their own fulfillment before anyone else's. But I'd like to think that's just a phase in a lot of our lives, not only women. I also think that men and women have very different ways of thinking about things and making things happen. Maybe this appears as strange and intimidating to some men because they don't really understand it? Women are compassionate by nature and very much in-tune with their (our) own feelings for the most part. Just because we may pick apart at a guy's thoughts and feelings too doesn't mean we're trying to ruin you.

Those innate "picking apart of a person" talents can be a very dangerous weapon in the hands of a woman who is a single-minded succubus desperately seeking her own emotional fulfillment.


Well-known member
Very, very good point. Western women have gone far, far off the rails. Women do have good qualities in the proper context and setting. The west is not this setting. Women being treated as identical, wholly equal members of society has put us into a very confusing, chaotic society.

Hmmm, I'm not sure how I feel about the latter part of this comment. Women, are in fact, wholly equal members of society anywhere. It's just that in the west it has been more accepted now, and rightfully so! The fact that women are equal, independent, and moving up in this world has nothing to do with the confusing and chaotic way of society. Society was far more chaotic before women were announced as equals! Think of infamous leaders of this world... Hitler, Napoleon, Stalin. I don't exactly know where you're coming from, but I think you should rethink this whole "women are evil" concept.


Locking this untill other mods come on,these kind of threads have no place on here imo.People feel they are judged enough without people saying a whole sex is this or that.



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