anyone not like summer


Well-known member
used to like it but now hate it it brings out all the bad loudmouth pricks that get drunk and use warm weather as an excuse i now prefer late autumn and winter only thing i like about the summer is the world cup i also seem to like rain i guess i know if i have to go out i always hope its raining rain=less people


I prefer the winter and colder months for those reasons as well as for clothing. I feel more uncomfortable with the less layers I have on. Combine that with the fact that women wear less (not complaining in most cases), which makes me even more nervous/awkward around them.


I like summer more and i want only hot weather but its hard to get out with friends and somethimes the fear is to big to have fun outside...


Well-known member
yes i like winer when i used to go outside in winter i used to like wearing gloves i dont like just wearing a t shirt hoodies ae the best


Well-known member
Yes I love winter and autumn,when its to hot I cant think straight,I also noticed peoples temper cool down.


Well-known member
I hate summer. The only thing I really like about it, is the fact that it rains more. Well, it's supposed to. I love rain. However, I despise pretty much everything else about summer. I can't stand the heat (it gets over 100 degrees here some days) and humidity. Up until about a month ago, I went nearly my entire life without air conditioning. I think that's what initially built up my hatred for the hot season. I was miserable. It isn't so bad now, but I'm still not a fan. I also hate the bugs. I'm terrified of spiders and all the other bugs just piss me off. I'm excited for autumn to get here. It's my favorite season. I don't like freezing my balls off in the winter, but I'd much rather be cold than too hot.


Well-known member
I like it because of the weather. But I also don't. It's not that hot now, but since i'm always in the house even when the sun shines it's REALLY hot inside. I see all those people outside, going out, going to events, doing something and I am here again and again. What it even makes it better is that other people always ask what i'm doing/gonna do this vacation.. What do I need to say ?


Staff member
I like summer, not the hayfever though but once august comes thats all over with.


Active member
I hate this damn season... symptoms get worst than ever, I don't want to expose myself on the beach, (I live near the coast) and there is too much stimuli around.... and I hate the classic sunny-beach-holiday-icecreamed-happiness...


i feel me hopeless in the winter the summer is to loud an to bright.
i like it to go out in the winter with my dog an walk,walk,walk...the air is beautiful and the streets are empty...


Well-known member
I dont mind the summer... but this heat that we are getting at the moment is awful, especially for us Northern Irelanders, we are not used to it one wee bit


Well-known member
I hate summer. The only good thing about it was when I was a kid & had summer vacation. But now that that's over, there's nothing good about it.

Too much heat, too much brightness, too many people, too much noise..... There's just way too much of everything I don't like in the summer.


Well-known member
too much noise too much people too much drunken idoits i have convetted to being a late autumn fan only good thing bout the summer is sports like world cup olympics wimbledon open golf as i am a big sports fan while everyone's outside ill sit in and watch sports


Well-known member
i used to enjoy summer but now i sit at home being a recluse, unless i go away, which is also just as boring since i'm often just with my parents


Well-known member
i live in tx where summer is 4 months of hell. the rest of the year it's nice. around the first of june, being outside means dripping in sweat. i also live in a state park town, which means idiotic tourists on holidays. 4th of july is the worst. when i become wealthy, i want a summer house in pa or someplace north.:D