anyone not like summer

Lost Girl

Well-known member
I'm sitting here with my fingers about to drop off from the cold I would do anything for a bit of summer right now!::(:


Well-known member
I don't like the hot humid weather either.

It was 68 degrees (Fahrenheit) here today, with a cool breeze off the water.


Well-known member
I loathe summertime anymore. At least the hot and humid part. And I never see many hawks in the summer either.

I much prefer the changes of autumn and spring, and the cold dreariness of winter. As much as I hated digging out after those two monster snow storms last winter, I'll take that over summer any day.

One can always put more on. But there's only so much one can legally take off.



Well-known member
i love the summer , i could live in flip flops and shorts forever :) no other clothing needed .......


Well-known member
I prefer Spring and Autumn. My room tends to get extremely hot in the summer time, so sometimes I have to sleep on the couch. It's really uncomfortable. The only thing I hate about winter is having to shovel snow. Last winter we didn't have any snow, hope it stays that way ::p:
I'm allergic to summer. The world seems so activated and alive during summer, and it's merely a tease in front of my face.
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Well-known member
Summer merely puts emphasis on my hateful situation, I constantly hear stories about people going to festivals, going on vacation, them meeting people etc etc.

That and I barely get any sleep due to the heat.

Oh well, at least I'm forced to sit in my garden all day long. Lots of birds and bees to keep me company (and mosquitos....). So it's not all bad.
I used to love summer when I was a kid, having 3 months off from school was great also I liked swimming and back then I had no problems socializing.
But now, since I work 40hrs a week, no 3 months off lol and I have S.P.... not so much, mostly its because of the heat and humidity. I enjoy spring and fall much more.


Well-known member
Sometimes I hate summer mosquito and see tons of people outside having fun and socializing while you are inside.
I can't believe so many people don't like summer!! I find myself patiently waiting from September to May, for the three months of hot, sunny weather we get here lol. I love camping and going to the beach and summer is definitely the best time for those haha

Jumping Flea

Active member
I love summer. but I hate it because I see everyone else my age out with their friends having fun while im stuck here alone...............all I want is to be able to join them::(: