anyone like rain and cloudy weather


Well-known member
I find rain fascinating. When their is a storm late in the day and it is raining heavily, afterwards when the sun comes out, the birds are all happy and cheerful. They seem more alive then than at any other time.


Well-known member
Absolutely love rain, and storms. I like to walk in the pouring rain. Don't care if I get drenched.

i walked in heavy heavy rain for near 2 hours once, was so relaxing!! i looooove the rain!
makes me happy, usually open my window and listen to it :)


Well-known member
When it rains in the Autumn it is ten times better than summer although it can be hard to tell the difference because it mainly rains where I'm from.


Well-known member
I think I really like the times immediately after rain. When the world seems like it has been washed clean. The colour of the sky seems softer, the air fresher.

I like drizzyl cool rain when I run. I seem to do better in running races in light rain.

Last year where I live it rianed torrentially for about three months. There was flooding and lots of damage to walking trails. I couldn't get outside, and I didn't like that much.


Well-known member
Love it. It's my favorite kind of weather. I'd marry the rain if I could. Sadly, it's very scarce where I live. :( Maybe that's why I love it so much. When it DOES come, I appreciate it.

The Chief

I love rain. Especially in the middle of the night, when its battering against the window, and you can lay there listening to it. I also love running in it.

Having said this, I like the sun because with a tan my blushing isn't so obvious!


Love it too. I hate it when its all bright and sunny outside, makes me just wanna stay inside. Thankfully Im from the UK and live in Ireland, so we get quite a lot of bad weather :)


I like the sound of rain I don't particularly like driving or walking in it for the most part. But I love lightning. I wish every time it rained it was a thunderstorm.


Well-known member
I prefer dark and rainy weather when I'm inside. When I have to go to school or so I like it both dark and sunny, but I really hate getting wet when the day just starts. If I get wet on the way home, no problem. :D


Well-known member
I like rain, but only when I'm inside.. I like listening to it and watching it :D I also like sunny days but with a lot of clouds and just a little bit windy.. Thats just perfect. <3


Well-known member
I love rainy and stormy weather. Thunder too. I get all cozy in those kinds of weather, indoor or outdoor when not soaking wet hehe