If this topic is upsetting people so much why don't they just stop reading it? I mean that is a simple solution isn't it? I know there are a lot of topics I am not interested in and just by reading the subject line know I personally will find offensive, so I just don't read it.
My experiences with God have all been positive and very very helpful in my life and yes, even in how I deal with my SP. If anyone else can find and recieve that kind of help from God then that I think is what the christians on here are just trying to make happen.
Because we know how much better our lives are for it and that is what we want for all of you.(If anyone wants to know how my life personally has gotten better feel free to pm me and i will tell you. It's just too long to put it all right now) This site is about helping each other out with our Sp and some people say certain drugs have helped them etc. to live a better life and not everyone agrees and some try it and some don't but aren't we all just sharing our experiences in the hope it will help someone too?
If you don't agree then you don't have to do it, like anything else on here.
The topic is"Anyone afraid of hell?" For those who are we are just saying you don't have to be because Jesus made a way out. You can have peace about that.
Now you can believe that or not, but we are just replying to the topic. For me, I almost died and if it wasn't for God's help wouldn't be alive today. I would hope anyone who had such an experience would be allowed to try to help others from ever having it.
The reason I think this is a relevant topic is because like all the other topics it has to do w/a fear we have or had (the fear of hell) and allows us to share that we have overcome that fear in our lives and how others can also.