Anyone afraid of HELL?

Are you afraid of hell?

  • No. I am a Christian I know that God pardons me and will destroy only other people.

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Well-known member
Reholla said:
Quixote: I appreciate the point you made, but I just think its funny, because I , and im sure others would agree, that a lot of athiests do the same.... I honestly see it as these two roles or whatever being flipped.

It's true, a lot of non believers do it as well, in fact most people do it in most discussions, which really annoyes me.
Sometimes they do it for the sake of "winning" the argument, like a boxeur striking under the belt when the referee doesn't see. At other times they are honest in their purpose, but either they are not very good at making their point, or what they are trying to demonstrate is almost impossible to demonstrate, and they end up using that technique.

A lot of very religious people seem to belong to that last group to me, so I don't question their honesty or good intentions, just their arguments when they try to convert others.

But then, as you say, it could be that my acquired position on the matter alters my perception so that I am unable to see anything that contradicts it. And indeed there is no way I could prove this is not the case, by the way :)


Well-known member
Quixote said:
But then, as you say, it could be that my acquired position on the matter alters my perception so that I am unable to see anything that contradicts it. And indeed there is no way I could prove this is not the case, by the way :)

haha nice response...So you do agree people do this?

All I have to say about this subject is if it really were a wouldnt be able to be proven. It wouldnt be a religion anymore, itd be science. Religion takes faith..and I know that might not be convincing enough for an athiest. But thats all that can really be said. But i do think once you allow it in your life, you begin to see why it IS the "truth." I think God provides ways to see the truth of it all. But thats only after you believe.


Well-known member
Reholla said:
All I have to say about this subject is if it really were a wouldnt be able to be proven. It wouldnt be a religion anymore, itd be science. Religion takes faith..and I know that might not be convincing enough for an athiest. But thats all that can really be said. But i do think once you allow it in your life, you begin to see why it IS the "truth." I think God provides ways to see the truth of it all. But thats only after you believe.
I think that one of the problems here is that we have different standards for what we are willing to accept as satisfying evidence. If personal feelings can be considered proof, then that means the world really is out to get the paranoid, it means that other people really are paying an awful lot of attention to me when I'm somewhere public, and it means that all those people on Pop Idol really are incredibly talented because that's what they themselves feel! Our view of reality can be terribly distorted at times.

One obvious flaw with the "allow it in your life" argument is that you can successfully use it to prove absolutely anything! "If you will only allow it in your life, you will understand that 2+2=5! It is a deeper truth that cannot be reached by science!" :)


Well-known member
i agree, why post about religion here, if you wanna talk about religion go to religion forums then. If there will be more religion threads i think ill start making threads about aliens and other things religious people like so much.


Well-known member
Hi Dreamer_13:

I have several times explained why I started to post on this thread (I was trying to help Zipper, because it seemed to me that he felt that believing was not enough, and that he would come to hell because he wasn't good enough. That was what I was trying to explain to him. Eventually I found out that he knew these things already.... So I started my own thread because I felt hurt by people in here for judging all Christians for being one type of people. I did not like the stigmatizing and then we had a discussion about what it takes to be saved according to Christianity. There came up several questions which I tried to answer as far as I could. I kept answering on my own threads to respect Zippers wish, but they were locked.

So after that I found jt's question on this thread who said he had lost his faith and needed to find his way back to God. He said he wished he would believe in Hell in order for him to get back to God. The reason I put it out here was to try to help jt and because some of these stories from the movie-clip really touched me and I wanted to share it with people in here. (I did not force anyone to watch it and i did not force anyone to read my answers about this subject either). I don't see why you just can't ignore this thread if you feel so offended by Christians. I was not the first to start a religious topic, as far as i know it was Zipper who did and which I later on discovered to be a non-Christian -As to my knowledge I think people were discussing religion for 7 weeks before I joined them!). I think I have my right to answer people and share my view on these things just as much as those who are non-Christians. One last thing: This has been a discussion, not a one-way preach! There has been both Christians and non-Christians who has participated in this debate. If Zipper had not started the debate in the first place I would never had a say about any religious topic on this forum.

But as long as the thread is here and there are questions where I feel I can contribute with some answers, I don't see why I should not be allowed to answer... When there are no more questions left or the mods find this topic inapropriate, only then there will be an end to this discussion on this forum...


Staff member
yeah I agree cutefluffykitten and I know LAgirl is doing out of good will and not bad

but theres no need for such abusive replies, so lets keep it calm as the mods dont want to have to lock yet another religious thread


This is a thread that makes people discuss religion, in good or bad. And that is a good thing.

This is how the human being works, we were created to search for God, or a God. When people read the posts in here it make them think, at least subconsciously. Everyone who reads the posts (or watch the videolinks) in here are affected somehow, whether they know it or not. If anyone have a negative reaction of something they read, it just means they are scared, scared of "what if all of this is real", what if i die a sinner and end up "you know where", what if...

God works in mysterious ways. That is why this is such a good thread. If it helps saving people it won't be futile. So there are always hope for YOU too!

PS! Keep up the good work LA-girl :D


Well-known member
I have explained earlier why i quoted from the Bible. The reason was that I was having this debate with jinxed (a christian) and Zosima among others where we discussed our views in terms of what it takes in order to get saved according to the christian Bible. Then it is natural to argument by using scriptures from the Bible. Even jinxed defended me for that. I did not throw these scriptures in the face of everybody, they were directed to jinxed or other people I were discussing with! Jinxed and Zosima also quoted from the Bible in order to claim their views...


Well-known member
If this topic is upsetting people so much why don't they just stop reading it? I mean that is a simple solution isn't it? I know there are a lot of topics I am not interested in and just by reading the subject line know I personally will find offensive, so I just don't read it.
My experiences with God have all been positive and very very helpful in my life and yes, even in how I deal with my SP. If anyone else can find and recieve that kind of help from God then that I think is what the christians on here are just trying to make happen.
Because we know how much better our lives are for it and that is what we want for all of you.(If anyone wants to know how my life personally has gotten better feel free to pm me and i will tell you. It's just too long to put it all right now) This site is about helping each other out with our Sp and some people say certain drugs have helped them etc. to live a better life and not everyone agrees and some try it and some don't but aren't we all just sharing our experiences in the hope it will help someone too?
If you don't agree then you don't have to do it, like anything else on here.
The topic is"Anyone afraid of hell?" For those who are we are just saying you don't have to be because Jesus made a way out. You can have peace about that.
Now you can believe that or not, but we are just replying to the topic. For me, I almost died and if it wasn't for God's help wouldn't be alive today. I would hope anyone who had such an experience would be allowed to try to help others from ever having it.
The reason I think this is a relevant topic is because like all the other topics it has to do w/a fear we have or had (the fear of hell) and allows us to share that we have overcome that fear in our lives and how others can also. :)


Well-known member
this is an interesting topic, but religious discussion so often results in arguements, even wars. People blame religion for most conflicts, but I think the truth is religion is used an excuse for conflict. I am a Catholic but I keep my religion to myself (kinda the oposite of what i meant to do but oh well). I just hate the way I see the USA using GOD as a weapon, and Bin Ladin with all his ISLAM JEHAAD stuff, its just abusing peoples faith imo.


Well-known member
Remus said:
yeah I agree cutefluffykitten and I know LAgirl is doing out of good will and not bad

but theres no need for such abusive replies, so lets keep it calm as the mods dont want to have to lock yet another religious thread

I didn't see any abusive/insulting replies, like I already said, everyone was just pointing out their views along w/ their questions. They were more like eager and passionate in knowing and asking questions, etc but there's nothing wrong with that. When you're excited, you're not calm, but you're not abusive either.

Remus said:
The Abusive insulting replies were edited out


Staff member
jinxed said:
Remus said:
yeah I agree cutefluffykitten and I know LAgirl is doing out of good will and not bad

but theres no need for such abusive replies, so lets keep it calm as the mods dont want to have to lock yet another religious thread

I didn't see any abusive/insulting replies, like I already said, everyone was just pointing out their views along w/ their questions. They were more like eager and passionate in knowing and asking questions, etc but there's nothing wrong with that. When you're excited, you're not calm, but you're not abusive either.

Remus said:
The Abusive insulting replies were edited out

oh crap!!!!

I thought I pressed the quote button but pressed the edit one instead :?

I've ended up editing your post instead of quoting and replying

sorry about that :oops:


Well-known member
This is the sad fact when people start talking about religion.It always starts to become personal.Anyone that in favor is must be preaching and anyone that not in favor of religion is evil.It's sad that some people can't remain civil about it. :cry: