hey no1, have you tried a site like okcupid? you can answer all these questions about your views on morality, and then find people that have similar views. and then you'll see that you're not alone. not everyone wants or is even able (emotionally speaking) to be promiscuous like that.
i understand what you're saying about the media - it does have a big impact on people's lives, but it can only go so far - we're not all blank slates being programmed like zombies. genetics and upbringing also have a big influence.
i'm not sure what you're watching, but it doesn't sound good, whatever it is - you should stop, because it sounds like it's skewing your view of the world. it's like if you went out to a club on a saturday night, and then concluded that everyone likes to party, because that's all you see there. meanwhile, the majority of people are at home watching tv, or talking to their cats.