

Well-known member
Sometimes I try to be intentionally abrasive towards people to avoid interacting. It's a defensive mechanism for those moments where I fear an anxiety attack coming. I don't enjoy doing it, I would prefer to be myself, but if I had to choose between seeming unapproachable or seeming like a quivering idiot, I would choose unapproachable. Does anyone else do this?


Well-known member
Yep. I'm aware that I come across to people as hostile but I really am to afraid to get to know people. I'd rather across as a hostile bitch than a shy wreck.


Well-known member
I unintentionally get edgy and irritable whenever I get anxious and, knowing my face tenses when I get anxious, sometimes I purposely tense up my face so people know something's up. This doesn't make any sense to me at all and I certainly don't know how to put this into more concise words but, I want people to notice me by trying to be unnoticeable.

Yeah... okay I'm just turning everyone's brain into a slushie now ::p:
nope. I am a polite Canadian.


Well-known member
Yes. I did the course at Macquarie University which is advertised on a thread on this website earlier this year. During one session we were asked to say how the medical condition manifests itself. I mentioned turning nasty when someone was getting too close (emotionally).

Although I am unaware I am doing it at the time - I do not realise it until afterwards.
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Well-known member
Well...not intentionally. I just have one of those faces that looks bitchy when I'm not smiling. It sucks.


Sometimes, but not often. When I am not feeling depressed and low I am actually quite cheerful. I dont like being abrasive with others because I don't want to hurt other peoples feelings..although it does depend on the person I am dealing with and what kind of person I think they are. I would rather people warm up to me by showing warmth first and then take it from there. I can understand the reasons why some would choose to be abrasive though, its just not a strategy I would use myself.


Well-known member
I might behave coldly, but not abrasive. Except once a woman got mad at me because I pointed out that she asks a lot of questions, which was true. I didn't mean it to be hurtful and I apologized. She kept asking me question after question after question like a five year old. I was polite enough to answer, but then she wanted to know exactly where I live and I do not give out that kind of information. Women are not an exception to this rule. Alarm bells start to go off in my head and I become nervous when people ask too many questions. That and I don't care for nosy people.