A Place to Introduce Yourself


Active member
Rorschach said:
Hi everybody! (dr. nick riviera haha :D)

I found this site a couple days ago and I've been reading it a bit, and I just want to say that I'm amazed how everybody here is understanding and non-judgmental in any way (I read somewhere that if the world was run by people who have some sort of mental disorder like SP, it would be much much better place). I too suffer from SP and I think that it has actually ruined my life... I'm still very young (17), but I have already lost all will to live.. the only thing that keeps me going is the fact that I hate people and it amuses me to watch how they destroy themselves... I spend my days closed in my room, with my internet and tv... I joined this site just so I can have someone to talk to..... anyways, that's all.......
btw: english is not my native language, so excuse me if I make mistakes....


Hi, I'm 19 and I just joined like 30 minutes ago. I know exactly what you are talking about. I have almost lost the will to live, I focus on the fact that I don't want to die with regrets to keep me going. I too hate humans. They are evil creatures who don't know how to do anything except harm others. I spend my days in front of the tv. This summer when I was extremely depressed I would watch Korean and Japanese dramas for like 24hrs straight. It was therapeutic tuning out the world. I highly recommend the drama Hana Yori Dango. It is the one thing that makes me happy just thinking about it.


Hi everyone!

Hi guys, stumbled on this site not too long ago. Looks like there is a lot of good info on here. To start off, I'm 30, and have had SA pretty much my whole life. I'm back in school right now and taking prereqs to get into an accelerated nursing program. Grade wise, I'm doing fantastic. However, I am seriously dreading an oral presentation that I have to do in early November. argh.. Anyway, I hope you are all doing well.



Hi everyone :roll:

I'm Mike. I'm 17. Ehm ... don't really suffer socially, in fact, my social life is going quite well. But there's this new guy on my rugby team who's being bullied by my friends, and I really feel bad for him. I try my best to stand up for him but it's not as easy as it might seem. So I joined this site in the hope of ... well ... I want to understand how you feel. I'm not a bad guy. I want to help and I want everyone to want to live. I saw earlier some guy writing that he could consider dying. Well ... for me that's crazy talk. So ... ehm ... I'll be around. I guess. PM me any time - well ... I don't know why you would but u never kno, lol. And cool.

xx mike


Well-known member
This Is My First Post, Hello Everyone

This forum is so large I wasn't sure where or what to post first. This seems like as good a place as any.

I'm so glad I found this place. I've been reading a lot of people's posts and threads and there's a lot here that I can relate to.

It would be a little one sided to think that this is just a place where I can find some help and understanding...I believe it should work both ways. Maybe some of my own experiences can help others too.

I look forward to corresponding with you all, wherever or whoever you may be.

Keep the torch burning bright.


Active member
Hi, Gloomysunday!, welcome to this forum!!.
Yes, i think it' s good and you' ll be helped and advised by many people and i am sure your experience will help other people too.
Welcome!! :D :wink:
A warm hello to everyone!!! :)

My name's Ariel, I'm 24, (I'll be 25 in December, woohoo!!!) and I live in the great state of Texas!!!

I have a variety of interests which include but not limited to, Japanese Anime, movies of all kinds but preferably sci-fi and fantasy, think Star Wars and LOTR lol, music particulary hard rock and metal such as Metallica, they've got a new album out and I'm just absolutely loving it, sports playing and watching, world news and politics, reading anything that seems interesting, and traveling although I haven't really traveled much... :?

I recently graduated college and now I'm looking for a job, and one more thing I am a member of a college fraternity, Omega Delta Phi, a fantastic group of guys that accept me for who I am and encourage my uniqueness... :D

But about my social life which is why I've decided to join up here at social phobia world, I am what you would classify as being love shy, I'm about to turn 25 and I've yet to kiss a girl, let alone be in a relationship or have sex, I only recently held a girl's hand for the first time and then she dropped me from dating the next day... :cry: I have always been an introverted person because of my experiences growing up in school, I've always been overweight and because of that I was very lonely growing up, plus my name is considered as a girls name but its unisex but elementary kids don't know that all they know is the Little Mermaid...

But anyways I look forward to getting to know everyone here and being able to share our experiences and to be able to offer all that I can to help anyone out who needs help, thanks everyone!!! :D



Hello All,I've had SAD for about 7 years now since i was 18 and its been so depressing so its wicked to have a site where you can talk to other sufferers. :)


Well-known member
Hey everybody. I'm 21 and I'm a schizo-obsessive disorder patient with social phobia as an extra. The social phobia is really what's keeping me from having a normal life, it's the reason why I dropped out of university twice. I've started seeing a psychotherapist last month and she has been a great help, together we've set up a plan so I can go to business school in January which involves improving my self confidence by exercising and going to small language classes and so far I'm getting a bit better.
I stumbled upon this site yesterday and could relate so much with what other members where posting I decided to join. So hi again and sorry for this long intro!


New member

Hi, folks --

I'm Ruby6 and I'm trying to figure out how I acquired my mother's agoraphobia. This is my first post. I'm tremendously upset with myself for becoming agoraphobic, and I never anticipated it happening to me. I'm so glad this forum exists, because I don't want to be this way and maybe you might have some insight about how to get out of this rut.

In my previous life, I was a hard working, visible, socially active person. I made friends everywhere and loved being active. After a health crisis a few years ago, I started staying home more. I stopped opening my mail. I get frightened if I have to leave my home and I shake when I have to leave my home to drive my own car. The sensation is actually physical, and so maddening. I used to go everywhere, all the time. What happened? Once upon a time, I drove myself across five states, alone, and I have addressed seminars. Now I am limited to fetching my mail, pushing myself to get groceries once a week and I've taken up drinking in the past year.

I don't like this at all. I want to get better. I want my old life back. Is there anyone else out there like me?
Hi. Outside of being even more antisocial than the stereotype, I'm your semi-typical geek. Self-diagnosed, will never go to a doctor unless I'm dying. Much better online than offline... but still if I relax too much online I accidentally offend people with my sense of humor, and chat rooms inevitably crush me and spit me out.


New member
Hello to everyone. I'm new here as well. I came here just looking for some people to relate with about my shyness and I've found it. But I'm a little let down on how inactive this forum is. Anyways, I plan on visiting here with you guys as often as I can.


New member
I am a European woman and I think I have suffered from social anxiety all my life. Here are examples of situations I dread : a new colleague sitting next to me (How do I have to behave, what do I say, what does she think of me ?). Or : I can't sleep at night when I know that the next day there will be someone coming over to fix the dishwasher. I feel really uncomfortable in such situations. The most horrible is eating. I avoid at all cost to have dinner/lunch with people I don't know. For some reason or another I feel clumsy and stupid, and I have the feeling that everyone is watching me. This comes to a point where I will always choose something "easy" to eat, not what I really like to eat. 8O Does this sound familiar to anyone ? Now, as far as treatment is concerned, I am on anti-anxiety medication, and that helps a bit, but not completely. It calms me down a bit, but doesn't make me comfortable enough to face certain situations. I still try to avoid difficult situations. I have had cognitive-behavioural therapy in the past, but that doesn't help me a at all. (I dread going to the psychologist in the first place !). I feel a bit stupid because I am already 41 years old and sometimes I feel I am still a child, afraid of people I don't know ...

However it feels good to see that I'm not the only one ...


New member
i just found this site

i have been diagnosed recently and am hoping to understand how everyone copes

i hope to contribute to the forum


New member

I am female and from the UK. I decided to join due to losing my boyfriend. I don't want to stay in bed for a couple of years like I have in the past. I hope to force myself in to living again
Hi every1..Ive just come across this site today..its nice to know there is so many other people experiencing the same things..I mostly feel like im the only one in my group of friends/family/school and so on..every1 seems 2 be so carefree and confident!...Anyway I just thought I would say hello, my name is Laura and i live in the UK, ive just turned 20 and had problems with SA for as long as I can remember.Ive really had enough now..so joining this site was my first step to taking back abit of control.
Hope u r all well :)



I'm 20 and I'm from Germany. :)

I have been having probs with SA for years. At first it was only shyness but in the next years it became worse.
I'm hearing impaired so I can't talk good and can't understand others very bad. :(
So I always stay at home with my deaf mother. I always think about my future... it seems there is no future for me. I can't even become that what I want to become. My handicap is always in the way. :(

Well... I hope we can get along well... it's very interesting here.