A Documentary about A-Sexuals


Well-known member
Interestinnnnng, but not really of interest. I wish I could be asexual at times. Or that it could be something that you just turn on and off. No such luck.


Well-known member
that one overweight girl, I'm not surprised she's asexual...sorry if that offends anyone.

I love porn, in fact I am a sort-of addict...but when it comes to real sex, I don't care if I get it or not.


Well-known member
I am not sure what looks would have to do with whether you are asexual or not.

It's having a complete lack of desire to have sexual relations.

It's not that you don't want it, it's that you have zero interest in it. Things don't excite you, the same way it does for "normal" people.

Also, I am sure many asexual people wish they could turn it on and off too. So they wouldn't be "outcasts". It's extremely difficult trying to function in a highly sexual world, when you have no desire to participate.


Well-known member
that one overweight girl, I'm not surprised she's asexual...sorry if that offends anyone.

I'm guessing what you're trying to say is that overweight people can't get laid. If you watch the videos you'll see she actually has had more sexual partners then the other 2 combined. Obviously her weight is no hindrance in that department.


Well-known member
I just find it hard to believe that an obese woman has had more sex than me. So maybe I'm asexual?

I can understand not wanting to have sex, because I never need to have sex again in life either, but not even masturbation? Get out of here. Put a hardcore porno movie in front of them and I guarantee they'll want to touch themselves.

They should all be nuns and priests.
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Well-known member
Fit, they actually, although half-heartedly, addressed the libidos of the three teens. Apparently they do masturbate, do have sexual drives, but still find the thought of sex with people to be repulsive all the same.

It would have been more interesting to hear what kinds of thoughts they use as triggers, visuals, sounds etc.
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I just find it hard to believe that an obese woman has had more sex than me. So maybe I'm asexual?

I can understand not wanting to have sex, because I never need to have sex again in life either, but not even masturbation? Get out of here. Put a hardcore porno movie in front of them and I guarantee they'll want to touch themselves.

They should all be nuns and priests.

most A-sexuals actually do watch alot of porn.

but they have no interest in engaging in actual sex themselves


Well-known member
Hmmm...I think I might be asexual then, except for the fact that if a girl made a move on me, I'd let it happen. I've said it before on facebook even that I need to literally be raped by a woman or else I'll never have sex because I don't initiate sexual acts. Ever. Nothing more than a hug & kiss.

So would these asexuals then maybe be submissive and lazy like me? I might need a viagra or something though. Always had a big problem keeping it up...

I'd like to be like most guys and follow their mating instincts. Most girls I ever knew, would just put me in the friend zone because I never made a move.


Well-known member
I've been attracted to one person in my entire life-- at a very primal level. We were together for 8 years and had sex regularly. I enjoyed it, yeah - but only because it was with him. I never looked at or thought of other people before/during my time with him. I'd try to sometimes, but it just wasn't possible.

Before him and since him, I've never been attracted to anything/anyone. It's not just depression, I've had a complete lack of sexual attraction/tension since puberty and I think it's because I am asexual. It was like some sort of cruel joke that I'd find someone I actually loved and he'd turn out to just not want me in the end and I would be stuck, unable to feel forever.

I don't even care though. Without love, there is no point in sex and I certainly have no desire for 'meaningless/casual' sex. It's been 2 years and I haven't once felt aroused in the slightest; even watching pornography. I honestly don't care if it ever happens again. I'm just sad that I'll never be able to become a mother. That was one thing I really thought I could be when I grew up at some point--- a 'mommy'. I could always adopt. I'm sure I will one day when I'm prepared to support a child/teenager, but I'll miss out on feeling a life growing inside of me and bringing something new into the world all by myself. oh, well...

So... am I asexual or am I secretly a robot? I wonder...
Doesn't everyone feel attraction to people on a regular basis? Interest, sexual tension? If they do, then that's the sign to me that I'm not like everyone else. One sign, anyways...