Agent Violet, good to hear the meeting went well!!
I think it's good to keep an eye on the situation, and keep in contact with the kid and the parents and teachers etc on this... Maybe the teachers and the school can also have some sort of anti-bullying program or workshops/classes or such? There are books, websites and programs/materials on this... (some may work better than others) A teacher can stop a lot of things with his/her attitude, and school staff can help too - even eg janitors or cleaning ladies or cooks...
Do they have a mediation program? Could they start it? (With help of a good outside support organisation maybe?)
Former-a., bullying and bullies can be different, it can be temporary or long-term, it depends...
Just moving a kid to another class if he did nothing wrong can be interpreted as 'great injustice' too!!
This kinda happened to me, and I hated it - losing contact with previous classmates...
Ignoring can work on SOME people and in SOME circumstances... Different things can work... I've seen a kiddie who went from 'quiet' to 'slightly rebellious', and won respect of a bully this way (?) (Don't recommend that as it could drive teachers crazy)
Violet, a kid can feel as if having 'no friends' while teachers can see him as 'having friends' (eg being friendly or playing with others)... It depends what is understood by that definition.. You could ask your little man what he understands as 'real friends' and friendship etc. What do real friends do, how do they behave...? If he's 'deep' he may have a different definition of friendship than any other kids or even some teachers!!
As a young teen, I felt I had 'acquaintances' in school, or people who did not really 'get me' - they weren't interested in the same things I was, they sometimes teased me (in a friendly way, but sometimes it was annoying), they weren't really understanding or people I could 'talk' to about meaningful and important things or negative feelings, in high school one of them just talked about boys and nothing else really, and it could get boring...
It was really great to have international pen-friends though

Maybe your kid could have some pen-friends too? (Now or later on?) There are some sites that are monitored and safer for kids, and sometimes parents and kids can write letters together, or you could monitor his letters and friends maybe? Just an idea.. (I got my first pen-friends when I was in primary school, maybe I was 12 or 13 or so...)
I think assertiveness class, drama/theatre group and/or martial arts (where you'd question/observe the teacher about his views and philosophies first! and/or get references/recommendations from other parents) could be great... Maybe even music school or something else, where he could get to know friendly people, depending on his interests...
Coyote and some others said it well, you can be both strong and caring, assertiveness is that great 'middle ground' between aggression or 'doormattiness' or 'passive aggression'... (I'm still learning it myself, often!) It's not easy, it's something to strive for!
I take any suicide thoughts seriously, you never know, it's better to 'overreact' (and embarass the heck out of someone maybe) and show you're listening, and possibly help make a change in someone's life... There are websites that can help with advice on how to communicate with someone who might be suicidal...
I hope the bully kid also got or will get some help/counselling, he and his parents need to be told bullying is a BIG problem for the bully too, many can end up in jail or such... surely they wouldn't want that for their kid? There are anti-violence programs and support groups in some communities too, check what might be available locally...
From my experience, some kids also played together even if one 'bullied' another, sometimes there was still mutual admiration and maybe even friendship.. Kids can quarrel and then become 'friends' again... (not always, sometimes they do) Both need to learn better ways of communication and behavior... Maybe the bully needs to join a sports club and let off some steam there?? (Hopefully something cooperative!!)
Oh, tai chi is not really a martial art, it's more of a relaxation exercise, not really helpful in 'real life' for fight that much I think, it can be good for health though.. Good martial arts instructor will tell that fight is a 'last resource' type of thing...
Wishing good luck to you and the kiddie/s!!