27 Problems Only Introverts Will Understand


Well-known member
one of the best posts ever saw about introverts that i needed to share, have a good laugh...!

if you identify with any of them just leave it in the comments!

like it's weekend i choose 4. "How was your weekend?"


27 Problems Only Introverts Will Understand


Well-known member
^LoL Oh yeah I can be social, and even want to sometimes but I usually always regret it when I am there and want to leave straight away.

Thanks he wrote some great things :D


Well-known member
Number 20 is a big one for me. My co-worker has less work than I have, so he likes to have a conversation. I try to pull myself away to work but it's not always successful. :giggle:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Ironically... ah get Number 13 a lot... like fairly frequently. It really gets on ma tits* so it does.

* Translation: On my nerves.

Oh! And Number 17 - the whole being completely knackered (exhausted) for a few days after an awesome night out. That happen to me recently followin' a stand-up comedy gig I attended - which was odd. Because it's usually music concerts that leave me feelin' exhausted for days afterwards.


Well-known member
15. I thought I'm the only one avoiding calls. It's always "I don't know this number, I'll not take that risk."

I never answer the phone when someone calls home. If someone calls my cell while I'm on the bus I'll also wait for them to send a text or something, I don't like talking on the phone while on the bus.