21/12/12 End of the world???


Well-known member
I know people that actually take this seriously and have hundreds of cans of tinned food stashed away. As for me, I think we should spend the next few days building an escalator to the moon, then work out what to do about the lack of oxygen problem XD


Well-known member
wooohooo run up the visa cards! it aint gonna matter!!!

i glad i got my truck back before the world ended!


Well-known member
Deep inside i secretly hope it will end, but also not. There are still things in life i don't want to miss:thinking:
End of the world in a few days time eh?

Boy... I hope I get laid before then..

Back in high school I remember telling people that if I ever got caught in a school shooting, I wanted to grab someone and lose my virginity - I wasn't about to die sexually inexperienced!

...that's terrible, now that I'm thinking back on it. sheesh :eek:h:

I'm Not There

Well-known member
That date has passed according to the mayan calander. The mayans didn't account for leap years, so in the mayan calendar we're somewhere in July 2013 I think. And the world didn't end on their version of 21st Dec 2012 because we're still here. :)

Actually the Mayans just added a certain amount of days to a previous date in their calendar to find the end date of a cycle. We did the same in our calendar - accounting for leap years - and got to December 21st 2012.


I'm not happy about this, its just not a good time for the world to end for me personally, i finish work on 21/12/12, and I don't have to go back in till the 2nd Jan. Can we push the apocalypse back by a week or so please. fanks.


Well-known member
That date has passed according to the mayan calander. The mayans didn't account for leap years, so in the mayan calendar we're somewhere in July 2013 I think. And the world didn't end on their version of 21st Dec 2012 because we're still here. :)

Actually the Mayans just added a certain amount of days to a previous date in their calendar to find the end date of a cycle. We did the same in our calendar - accounting for leap years - and got to December 21st 2012.

the mayans didn't come up with an arbitrary date. the event which marks the end of the calendar cycle is the winter solstice of this year, which happens to fall on December 21st.

the whole thing is based on very precise calculations of astronomical progression over a 5,000 year cycle - which the mayans were somehow able to figure out, but which modern science has been able to confirm


Well-known member
I won't lie it is making me anxious but I wouldn't be surprised if nothing happened lol I just wish it would hurry up and get here so I don't have to worry about it. Although I don't think the world will end I'm afraid someone will do something stupid like kill themselves, or God forbid a terrorist attack.


Well-known member
I won't lie it is making me anxious but I wouldn't be surprised if nothing happened lol I just wish it would hurry up and get here so I don't have to worry about it. Although I don't think the world will end I'm afraid someone will do something stupid like kill themselves, or God forbid a terrorist attack.

yes, that's what i'm worried about, too - someone doing some stupid crap because they THINK it's supposed to be the end of the world


Well-known member
Remember all those stupid dooms day cults that were jumping up and down when 1999 was coming?.

This will be no different. If it is, ill eat a kitchen sink.


Well-known member
my brother has bought a lot of stuff in preparation - not only for 12/21, if anything were to happen, but for any natural disaster or if people start freaking out and and riots or worse break out.

here's one article worth reading: NASA - Beyond 2012: Why the World Won't End

*But since there has been so many gun sales recently, along with all the talk about it, it may be more the instance of people freaking out in one way or another rather than something like the Mayan calender coming to end or solar storms, blackouts, etc. I


I say we have an SPW orgy.

Not only will it remove anxiety but we will all go out with a... bang...

if you catch my drift...