10 Things that make you anxious..


This was a good idea!

1. A ringing phone [but easily could be #10 on the list depending on who it is and the anxiety of wondering if I should answer it or not]
2. Walking alone anywhere
3. Meeting new people
4. Making spelling mistakes
5. Being rushed, or trying to be on time to something
6. Making smalltalk with strangers [or trying to attempt smalltalk and ending up ending the convo]
7. Calling strangers
8. Public speaking
9. Confrontation with anybody
10. Job Interviews :[
1. the thought of having to deal with so many people in grad school, if i go
2. the thought of having to deal with so many people in a job, if i don't go to grad school
3. dealing with bosses and coworkers. unless i get lucky and they're all really nice. and female.
4. the whole initial getting to know someone thing that makes me so self-critical
5. the thought of having to go to conferences if i go to grad school. flying? god forbid.
6. getting enough references to apply to grad school, which means 'getting to know professors'. augh!
7. deviantart. i get nice comments every now and then but i feel so out of place there.
8. dealing with my family. except my brother and everyone else who isn't my parents.
9. dragging all my weird problems into every conceivable social situation
10. painting. i love it, i hate it, i'm confused.


1. Smiling/Greeting people back
2. Meeting new people (sometimes it depends on my mood)
3. Speaking on the phone (customer service, enquiries, ordering food)
4. Unexpected Visitors
5. Job Interviews/ speaking with supervisors and senior employees
6. Using public wash rooms
7. Writing with other people watching ::(: my hand trembles plus hyperhidrosis
8. Extroverted attractive women :confused:
9. Meeting old acquaintances
10. Getting on/off public transportations (sometimes I miss my ride/stop)

I used to dread going out but now that I have to work I just tend to 'disconnect' and go about like a zombie or walk really fast. I also use to feel uncomfortable eating in public (though I don't know why). I'm trying not to be afraid of message boards and chat rooms...


Well-known member
1. Shaking hands...It is least expecting and I always look at the person's hand
2. Talking on cellphone in public
3. Waiting for my ride home
4. Getting dressed or undressed in a locker room
5. Fire drills
6. Getting things out of my bag
7. Waiting in a dentist chair
8. Opened windows where neighbors can possibly hear me
9. People staring....alot
10. Someone saying I'm shy out loud....in front of many people


Active member
1. Talking to people
2. Taking responsibility
3. Having to speak in public
4. Parties
5. Family meetings
6. Phone ringing
7. Loneliness
8. The dark
9. Comfrontation
10. First day at work after summer time off


Well-known member
ay yi yi.. i'm not sure these will be in perfect order, as it is after 2am and i'm not exactly all here, haha.. but i'll list 10 things that i get that "eeeeeek" feeling over =/

1. driving alone
2. sitting at red lights, waiting in drive thrus, any time being 'idle' in the car, lol
3. crowds of any number
4. any public place :(
5. being around anyone who is not one of my "safe people" (mom, dad, sister, best friend, ex boyfriend, therapist)
6. when i'm in a retail store and a worker wants to stop and try their damndest to sell me something aka bug me for as long as they can possibly hold on to me for...
7. being alone at home if it's dark out :( ..not many cities in my state are exactly "safe", especially mine, haha
8. just thinking about and then taking any venture i must go on - if i have to get out of the house to take care of something (doctors appointments, taking care of bills, having to go get my license renewed.. anything that i simply can't avoid)
9. eating at a restaurant
10. attending any sporting event - that's just WAY too many people, and i'm especially anxious about going out of town to any game, say i have to travel to atlanta for a braves game... then i'm around a ton of people AND i'm an hour and a half away from home :( the last time i went to a sporting event was a UGA game in 8th grade =/

..most of these things are things that i haven't done in quite some time, but i don't do them because they make me anxious, so i can safely say that doing them WOULD make me anxious, haha...


Well-known member
Mine are pretty much the same as everyone else's:

1. Using the phone
2. Driving in front of someone
3. Interacting with cashiers
4. Public speaking
5. General conversation (spoken or in IM)
6. Walking down the same street as someone
7. Anytime my roommate has guests over
8. Authority figures
9. Crowds
10. Answering the door

Blake B.

Only 10?

10. Taking pictures. I'm not a photogenic person. That's not to say that I consider myself ugly, but somehow cameras just seem to bring out the worst in me, and I know that any picture taken of me is going to end up on Facebook.
9. Competitive online multiplayer games. I can't handle getting teabagged in Halo, it's just another way for someone to laugh at you over the Internet.
8. Grocery store checkout clerks. Are they judging me based on the stuff I'm buying? I've turned my eating habits around drastically in the past few months, but I still prefer the Self-checkout line, even if they are horribly congested with people who don't know how to work the system half the time.
7. Getting a haircut. My hair grows out like a weed, and I always think that hairdressers find it to be a pain in the butt to cut. Add that to the random conversations that they like to start about pointless crap like where I work. I got a snarky response from one hairdresser when I responded that I was unemployed (Because I was at the time), which she didn't seem to respect in a person my age. Since then I've just been leery about getting trapped in a chair with someone with a judgmental attitude and a pair of scissors, to the point where sometimes I'd just rather let it grow out. That never ends up well.
6. Halloween. I can't stand people coming to my door, let alone multiple times over the course of the night. Also, there's a ton of pressure to put on a costume, which I just don't dig.
5. Going to the hospital, even though I should be. In Alberta, the health care system is being stretched fairly thin, especially in the realm of mental health care. I always think that I'm putting stress on the system, and I guilt myself out of going. I should really go back to schedule an appointment.
4. Family get-togethers, especially Christmas. It's like the end-of-year exam to prove to the rest of the family that I'm living up to their expectations, which in my mind is never the case.
3. Parties. A bunch of unpredictable drunk people in a room, holding potential glass weapons in their hands. Awesome. Even more awesome when the roommates decide that it would be a really great time to have one at our place and I'm too polite to say "No, that's a terrible idea." That usually ends up with me "having to get up early tomorrow" and barricading myself in my room until it blows over.
2. The subject of Social Game Dependency. I've been there. I was a "5 night WoW raider." I know a few people who have been there, or are there. I should be more vocal about it when it comes up, but ultimately I just end up playing dead or leaving the conversation.
1. Putting writing up on the Internet. The act of writing is really fun and cathartic, but I usually write with the intention of publishing the material, and after publishing it, I just end up being filled with trepidation about whether or not people are going to react favorably to it, or even read it in the first place. I have lost a lot of sleep after posting things that I felt really good about but in retrospect might be considered controversial.


Well-known member
So heres mine:

1 - Seeing people I know somewhere unexpected
2 - Being in really strong lighting when talking to someone - makes me feel ugly/self conscious
3 - Talking to people at work - or socially at work events
4 - Talking on the phone
5 - Developing an acquaintance into a friend -ie spending time with someone I only know a bit
6 - Spending time with just one other person - feel pressure to be entertaining enough
7 - Presentations/talking in class or speeches in front of people
8 - Meeting new people
9 - Parties, when I dont know many people well
10 - Someone not liking me

I think this is a good idea...learnt some things about myself :)


1. Nothing

2. Nothing

3. Nothing

4. Nothing

5. Nothing

6. Nothing

7. Nothing

8. Nothing

9. Nothing

10. Nothing


Well-known member
1)answering questions in class
2)walking around alone,sitting alone,being in the classroom alone.
3)going to shops
4)asking people things
5)Bing asked things by people
6)group discussions
7)peopl trying to start a conversation and i cant think of a reply
8)travelling without my close frind or family
9)school trips
10)speaking on th phone


Well-known member
1. Making a wrong turn when driving and having to put gas in the car
2. Exams/Tests
3. Friends asking me to hangout
4. Telephone calls from people I know
5. Visitors at my house
6. Worrying whether I look weird in the clothes I'm wearing and if my pants are making it look like I have an erection
7. Raising hand/answering a question in class
8. Neighbours being able to see that I'm home at night on weekends
9. Someone who knows me sees me in public and stops to talk to me
10. Family Gatherings/Wedding Receptions/parties/bars


I'm not being a smart ass or now but

6. Worrying whether I look weird in the clothes I'm wearing and if my pants are making it look like I have an erection

lol that make me chuckle


Well-known member
I'm not being a smart ass or now but

6. Worrying whether I look weird in the clothes I'm wearing and if my pants are making it look like I have an erection

lol that make me chuckle

Man, its a seriously irritating obsession that I am constantly checking when sitting down... I hate it but I do understand why people laugh at it because it is such a stupid thing to worry about
1. Writing in front of others
2. Postin' on the SPW
3. Running into old acquaintances
4. Large dogs at crotch level. One snap and you're neutered.
5. Womenz
6. Being around children when their parents are present. I have an extreme paranoia that I'm seen as a pedophile.
7. Eye contact
8. Making phone calls
9. Hateful, non-constructive criticism
10. Public speaking/group discussion


Well-known member
Hmm...I'm only going to put SA-related things on here; if there were other things, it'd be almost the same, except #1 would be vomiting.

1. Being in a small group at uni
2. Being around immediate family members
3. Going into a shop that I don't usually go to (higher if I go there often...weird)
4. Answering the phone
5. Asking a stranger a simple question like the time or directions
6. Walking past people in a corridor etc.
7. Phoning a stranger
8. Being in the room when a song or a TV show I like is on! How weird is THAT?! Even if the other people don't know I like it, I'm worried they'll think it's crap...
9. Being in the same room as people I sort of know, but not really...
10. Walking up to a group of strangers and joining in the conversation (heart racing just thinking about it!!!!!)