The ONE time I decide to be brave


Well-known member
I decided to ignore my anxiety and ask a cute girl out. Well she hesitated and asked "in what way? like hang out?" I said "yeah, sure". I find her on facebook and learn she is already in a relationship -_-. *sigh* I just can't win.
Wasn't it once said that Edison failed 100 times trying to prefect the light bulb? His response: No, I have merely found 100 ways how not to make a light bulb?


“Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure.”
~George E. Woodberry
it sucks but you'd just have to try again. Hey at least ur better than me I've never mustered the courage to ask a girl out.

I like this quote from ****mydadsays:

"That woman was sexy...Out of your league? Son. Let women figure out why they won't screw you, don't do it for them."


Well-known member
GREAT JOB!!!! I think its great you got up the courage and IGNORED YOUR SA!!!

You asked her out, and thats huge!!! You never know her and the boyfriend may break up..or you may see another girl you like and ASK HER OUT TOO and eventually you will get a yes:D

Good for you!


not actually Fiona Apple
Wasn't it once said that Edison failed 100 times trying to prefect the light bulb? His response: No, I have merely found 100 ways how not to make a light bulb?

^That's what I was thinking.

What I would tell myself afterwards is not all the bad stuff but dwell on the "I did it! I beat my anxiety, and I can do it again!"


Well-known member
I myself would've looked on facebook first, but in a way it's good that you didn't, since you had this oppurtunity to overcome your fears and learn from it. Good job!


Well-known member
Maybe she has a cute friend? ;)
/or cousin/sister/penpal from France, who knows? :)/

Or if things don't work out with the bf, yeah.. who knows?
I think what I'd get out of it is the experience and knowing that you were brave enough to give it a go. If you can do it once, you can do it again. And again.. and again. Then it's bound to happen somewhere along the line! :D

Better in my opinion than shying away from asking girls out after this ONE time that didn't work, in the hopes that one day a girl will notice you and make the first move. Not that it won't happen, but it's always better to take control!! lol


Well-known member
I decided to ignore my anxiety and ask a cute girl out. Well she hesitated and asked "in what way? like hang out?" I said "yeah, sure". I find her on facebook and learn she is already in a relationship -_-. *sigh* I just can't win.

^ I'm surprised you couldn't tell from her hesitation that she probably didn't intend to date you. When a girl reacts like that it's either because she's attached or just not interested.

Well at least you tried. You overcame your fears, it's an achievement. :D
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Well-known member
I decided to ignore my anxiety and ask a cute girl out. Well she hesitated and asked "in what way? like hang out?" I said "yeah, sure". I find her on facebook and learn she is already in a relationship -_-. *sigh* I just can't win.

I would do ANYTHING for even that response. You might not get to bang her, but at least you have a new friend.