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  1. K

    Do you replay events over and over?

    This is a big problem for me lately. Every time I have an unpleasant interaction with someone, I fantasize over how it should've gone. If there was anything I could've done to come across stronger or more put-together, I will roleplay it that way in my head afterwards because I can't live with...
  2. K

    Phone and Doorbell

    No matter how much progress I make, I can't stop feeling panicky when I hear the doorbell or phone ring. It's fine if it's a family member calling, or if the mailman is at the door, but if I have no idea who it is or what they want, I feel horrible. My heart jumps into my mouth and I almost...
  3. K

    It's always Sunday night

    When I was a kid in school I used to feel so happy getting out on a Friday afternoon. Then when Sunday night rolled around I'd be in a really deep funk over having to go back in the morning. I keep experiencing the same thing now in adulthood, except it's more like every night - I'm always...
  4. K

    Separation anxiety

    Does anyone else here experience separation anxiety? My girlfriend and I split up two days ago and I've been living an absolute nightmare since. My body hurts in ways I didn't know it could. I can't eat, I can't sleep, I feel like I'm going to be sick all the time, and I can't ever envision...
  5. K

    Do you buy in bulk?

    Man, I hate going to the grocery store. Every time I go, I buy food in such huge quantities just for the sake of stocking up, in order to not have to brave the place again for weeks. I end up stumbling out of there carrying way more than I should and by the time I get it all home, my arms feel...
  6. K

    Anybody else have seriously weird dreams?

    Man, I don't know whether it's an anxiety thing, a medication withdrawal issue, or what, but lately I'm having really stupid dreams. Last night I dreamed that I walked into a BMW-showroom, stepped into their latest flagship car, then drove off into a bunch of parked ones, causing a massive...
  7. K

    Feeling Guilty over Self-Medication

    Man, I don't know what it is, but if I can get my hands on weed, I'll smoke all I can, and if someone has coke or whatever, I'll happily do that too. Anything to alter my mindset and not think about my current situation or what an introvert, uptight geek I am. I just can't handle it anymore...
  8. K

    I'm So Fly

    I really am. I just don't dare do anything about it unless I'm on some type of substance. Do you feel the same? Discuss.
  9. K


    Nine of the last ten phone calls I've made to strangers (ie companies, service people or whatever) I've hung up on halfway through. I just can't do it. I screw up my wording or feel awkward because I don't have the answer readily available, then I feel panicky, my skin gets hot, and that's that...
  10. K

    Hermit - my new aspiration

    I see a lot of posts here by people wanting to fit in, make friends etc. and in theory, that’s fine, each to their own. Me, I’m thinking that I’m becoming increasingly okay with who I am. I recently had the misfortune of taking a necessary flight from Amsterdam to Boston, and what I experienced...
  11. K

    Do you find yourself to be difficult/finicky?

    This is a trait that I possess that I wish I didn't. I'm wondering if there are other people on these forums who are the same way. I'll give you an example - I'm with my parents, and they're eating sandwiches. I can hear them breathing and chomping, and I just flip out on the inside. I struggle...
  12. K


    I just joined the boards and thought I should say hello before jumping right into some random thread. My name’s Alex, I’m a 22 year old guy from England, now living in Belgium. It’s only recently that I started thinking about why I’m the way I am - why I can’t pick up the phone, answer the door...