It's always Sunday night


Well-known member
When I was a kid in school I used to feel so happy getting out on a Friday afternoon. Then when Sunday night rolled around I'd be in a really deep funk over having to go back in the morning. I keep experiencing the same thing now in adulthood, except it's more like every night - I'm always thinking about tomorrow and getting in a pissy mood over it. Lately I have things I have to do every day (whether work or my course) and it's as if I can't ever get used to it. No matter how intense my daily routine is, I'm always thrilled to be done for the day, then down a few hours later as I have to start winding down for bed. I end up not wanting to go to sleep and postponing it out of a reluctance to deal with tomorrow.

Anyone else like this?


Well-known member
Oh, gosh! I had to check your avatar to make sure I hadn't written this thread myself. Please believe me, I could have. you have just described my life perfectly. Except, along with the relief in the afternoons comes this, like, wild desperation. I feel like I only have these few precious hours to do the things I want to do and I end up not enjoying them anyway because I'm already living in the dread of how awful tomorrow is going to be. And yes, Sundays are and always have been the worst. I feel so trapped and claustrophobic the whole of every Sunday.


Well-known member
Ditto. Nothing more to add to this from me. You two got it in one, exactly how I feel.

Nothing we can do but to carry on.


Well-known member
I have days like that..luckily not every day. But then some days I'm glad the day is over, I've had enough of an awful day and want to go to bed so it ends and I can start afresh the next day. I try to think that each fresh day could bring something better. Sometimes it does.