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  1. AsTimeBurns


    Thought I'd made peace with the fact that I'll always be alone; it wasn't bothering me much for the last year or so. But recently someone at work has been on at me constantly saying I should ask out a girl at work, this went on for months up till the point where I was about to do it, then he...
  2. AsTimeBurns

    A little rant

    Just feel like a bit of a rant since i'm feeling quite down at the moment. Feel free to ignore it. So I'm 25 now, living at home with my parents still. Never had a girlfriend (never even kissed a girl...hell never even held hands with a girl or spent any time alone with one), don't have any...
  3. AsTimeBurns

    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

    My parents keep suggested it to me, but I don't really know much about it. Has anyone tried it? What sort of thing did it actually involve in your case? And did you find it useful at all? Cheers.
  4. AsTimeBurns

    Career change

    So I feel like I need a career change already. Been working as a web devleoper for 6 months, but I can't take it much longer, it's so dull and the sitting staring at code for 8 hours a day is killing my head and neck and i'm always in a lot of pain most of the day. Problem is, I have no idea...
  5. AsTimeBurns


    Anyone? I've got so many things that I say to myself I'd like to do, but when it comes down to it I just end up sitting here listening to music and browsing forums, wasting the 4 hours or so after I get home from work, until I just go to bed and repeat the next day. I even took the drastic...
  6. AsTimeBurns

    My situation - Advice?

    Right, the situation in a nutshell is this: I'm a very quiet person, very shy and find it hard to make friends and hold conversations with people usually. Apparently when I was younger I was quite outgoing, but as I grew older I became quieter. Now, I'm pretty sure I know the reasons for...
  7. AsTimeBurns

    No Friends At All?

    People throw it around a bit: "i've got no friends", when in reality they do have 1 or 2 people they talk to or hang out with occasionally, even if it's a rarity. But does anyone else have literally no friends at all? I'm defining friend here as someone you would see/talk to/do something with...
  8. AsTimeBurns

    Dating Sites

    Anyone tried them / had any luck with them? I've been a member on a few, but I find it quite difficult to know what to say to people. I feel weird and desperate enough as it is sending messages to random people that I don't know, but I never really know what to say to them either, so I just end...
  9. AsTimeBurns


    Had an interview last week, everything went quite well, they said they were very impressed. Call today - technically very good, very impressed, not offering me the job because I was too quiet and not "energetic" enough, so I wouldn't fit in with them. :mad:
  10. AsTimeBurns

    Making Friends?

    So since I left school I haven't really had any friends. I stayed in touch with 2 people from school, but they're off in other parts of the country enjoying their own lives nowadays, so I barely see them or speak to them. I have plenty of opportunities to make friends, because I'm at...
  11. AsTimeBurns

    One thing i've noticed

    One thing I've noticed that happens a lot, especially if I have to do something where I know people are looking at me, is that my mouth starts to go quite dry, so I find myself constantly having to try and moisten it again, plus I sigh a lot because I'm not sure what to do with my breathing when...
  12. AsTimeBurns

    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

    Anyone had any experiences with this? Doctor suggested I try it, but I'm quite skeptical about it...
  13. AsTimeBurns


    Don't know what to say really so "Hello" will have to do :eek: