One thing i've noticed


Well-known member
One thing I've noticed that happens a lot, especially if I have to do something where I know people are looking at me, is that my mouth starts to go quite dry, so I find myself constantly having to try and moisten it again, plus I sigh a lot because I'm not sure what to do with my breathing when I'm not saying anything, eg: Filling in a form for someone while they wait is an example from this afternoon. Or I just find that I have to do random things like tap my hands or hum a tune of something because it seems awkward to be so quiet.

Anyone else find this sort of thing occurring?


Well-known member
The dry mouth part for sure. Probably the first thing I experienced due to social anxiety. I remember it happening a little during class presentations, which I dreaded. But it was really bad when I was in seventh grade band class, and had to play solos for the entire band. Because I played trombone, it would screw up the sound through my mouthpiece. I used to keep a bottle of water nearby when we had long concerts. It got even worse when I was in college and took medications for anxiety, which had dry mouth as a side effect. Luckily, it's not as bad with what I take now. I also chew sugar free gum and use sugar free candy whenever I need to.