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  1. N

    sources of strength

    what tools do you use when you need an extra bout of emotional strength, whether to feel better or overcome fear? Mainly to overcome fear.
  2. N

    is cbt therapy really that great

    I started cbt therapy. I have to write my anger down etc. but as usual i start in the beggining and after a few weeks i slack down and stop. Its almost pathetic how i repeat my same mistakes in life over and over again. I am not talking to anyone on the college, though i want play basketball i...
  3. N


    I started cbt therapy. I have to write my anger down etc. but as usual i start in the beggining and after a few weeks i slack down and stop. Its almost pathetic how i repeat my same mistakes in life over and over again. I am not talking to anyone on the college, though i want play...
  4. N

    asking a girl out day

    wondering if any one else here wants to ask a girl out but is too afraid. There is strength in numbers! I would like us to join together and make a day that we will join together and each one of us will gether the courage and ask a girl out.
  5. N

    the problem with the quiet ones

    :)yeah but the nice guy is so busy with the dates and being friends, which dont get me wrong is a very important part of the relationship, that if he brings up anything physical, then the girl is no longer interested. its either the guy who gets all these one night stands or the nicer guy that...
  6. N

    girls... this is a question for you

    I am not asking about you specifically but about girls in general. Who is more likely to attract a girl and have a romantic relationship... and yes that includes sex; a good hearted, sweet boy, or a charismatic loud douche with a good sense of humor? and who is less likely to have their wife...
  7. N

    are we cowards

    My question is very simple. Are we cowards? For some of us SA is definitely a mental disorder, but for those of us who dont suffer that badly, i agree that we have a really strong fear, but are we cowards for giving into that fear?
  8. N

    Get away from me!

    I understand now. It feels like there is a devil inside me. I was sitting with people at the table, frozen, face morose and sullen. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, and saw another person inside me, frozen with fear. I started to almost yell. "get away from me! you are killing...
  9. N

    sorting out my life

    yep im going to copy wingchum and vj and start my own thread in which to vent my frustration and sort my thoughts. I see how these threads not only help the person writing it but also help the people reading it. i hope you guys will find my thoughts interesting.
  10. N


    anyone here ever been in the army?