

Active member
I started cbt therapy.
I have to write my anger down etc. but as usual i start in the beggining and after a few weeks i slack down and stop. Its almost pathetic how i repeat my same mistakes in life over and over again. I am not talking to anyone on the college, though i want play basketball i want talk to girls and boys for friendship sexual reasons etc. but i dont because i am afraid and not ready to put in the effort. I know that a week before the semester ends i am going to panic and try to get friends good grades and a girlfriend all in the same week. I will talk more because i am not afraid that i will actually make surious progress since it is the last week. It will happen this semester as it happened last semester and the one before, i have no control over myself. and my anger is just simmering there... how many of you guys have a lot of anger inside you, is it common among people with SA?
My therapist says what i think is not necessarily true, but i know that people dont like my personality, i know its true goddamnit!