asking a girl out day


Active member
wondering if any one else here wants to ask a girl out but is too afraid. There is strength in numbers! I would like us to join together and make a day that we will join together and each one of us will gether the courage and ask a girl out.


Well-known member
I've got a girl in work who is way out my league... And I'm too shy to talk to her. Childish SchoolBoy crush haha!
But good idea I'm sure loads of people will join you :)

I'm Not There

Well-known member
I very much like the idea. But what if you don't know any girls (or the ones you know are occupied)? Should we ask out some random girl off the streets?


Well-known member
My problem is'nt asking someone out, Its just knowing if there interested. Altough it is a good idea :) I'll join