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  1. FriendlyShadow

    Reccomend me some good tv shows/movies

    Is there anything on tv worth watching?
  2. FriendlyShadow

    Things you miss about your childhood

    Growing up can be hard sometimes. As a child, you feel like you'll stay that way forever. Or at least, I did. There's so many things I miss about being a kid. I'll admit it. I miss going to the movie theaters, I miss the playground, I miss drinking soda, I miss bowling, I miss the...
  3. FriendlyShadow

    What animal would you like to be?

    I'd like to be a bat.
  4. FriendlyShadow

    Do you choose to stay at home or go out?

    And how does it affect you?
  5. FriendlyShadow

    Are you ever jealous of other people?

    Is there anyone who gets jealous when they're around other people and if so why? Someone also told me "Becareful what you wish for, cause you just might get it all?" Would you agree or disagree?
  6. FriendlyShadow

    Please Watch This Video.

    You might wanna turn your volume up too.
  7. FriendlyShadow

    Extremely Painful Pap Smear?

    So, today I had to endure one of the most painful, unpleasant experiences I have ever gone through in my life. I went to the doctors to have a cervical exam on me done. I tried my best to stay as calm as possible since I knew this was my first time getting a pap smear. They went over the...
  8. FriendlyShadow

    If you had a friend, how would you want to spend time with them?

    Here's my list: 1. Go to Starbucks to get coffee/pastry just to chat 2. Watch interesting movies together 3. Go on roadtrips together 4. Listening to music together while driving 5. Stargazing 6. Going to different festivals 7. Having sleepovers 8. Taking walks around the neighborhood...
  9. FriendlyShadow

    Rate My Acting. This is my reeanactment from the movie American History X. Enjoy :).
  10. FriendlyShadow

    Being Single vs Being In A Relationship

    Which would you choose and why?
  11. FriendlyShadow

    Any Bizarre Nightmares To Share??

    Okay,I'm gonna try not to sound too sexual here as I type this. So today after I came home from work, I decided to take a little cat nap. In this particular dream, I am in the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror. The bathroom on the inside is trippy and at times my visions would start to...
  12. FriendlyShadow

    Have People Ever Made You Feel Unworthy?

    You know the ones I'm talking about. People who like to jokingly call you their "Slave" and push you to your limits. People who like to take more than they give. People who are never satisfied about anything you do for them. I don't feel like going into too much detail though. In my...
  13. FriendlyShadow

    Weird problem I've been having...

    Okay so, I feel like I'm ready to pull my hair out at this moment. I was trying to write one of my stories onto wordpad and I'm pretty sure I had it saved yesterday. Now today, I open up that same wordpad and everything that I had written has now been erased. It shows blank. No warning...
  14. FriendlyShadow

    Which gender do you feel more comfortable with?

    I would say throughout all my life, I'd think I (almost) have better interactions with women than guys. Literally every time I'm with a guy, our conversations fall flat, there's always awkward dead silence, and overall I guess I just don't enjoy male company that much. This is all just from my...
  15. FriendlyShadow

    If you had enough money...

    What would you most likely spend it on? For me, I would l love to go to a spa/massage. My body could really use it.
  16. FriendlyShadow

    Name 5 things you're afraid of

    Mine are: 1. Death 2. Doctors 3. Any bug/insect 4. Heights 5. Sleeping in the dark
  17. FriendlyShadow

    Cold sore scars won't go away

    Okay... this has become a problem for a couple months now. I've been prone to getting cold sores very easily (especially in winter) and usually my cold sores/scars would naturally heal in time. So far these past few months, I've unfortunately broke out three times on my upper lip. The scabs...
  18. FriendlyShadow

    Post Your Favorite Music Score

    American History X Soundtracks Raiders - YouTube
  19. FriendlyShadow

    Who are your favorite actors/actresses?

    Recently I've been liking: John Hurt Edward Norton (I think he's cute actually) Jack Nicholson Dustin Hoffman Kathy Bates Judy Davis Faye Dunaway Gloria Swanson Audrey Hepburn Laura Linney Patricia Clarkson
  20. FriendlyShadow

    Something That Needs To Be Said