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  1. FriendlyShadow

    Should I date this guy??

    Okay, well this is kind of a personal topic for me to talk about... although I can pretty much expect what everyone's answers will be to this question. So my brother has a brother (whom I get the feeling that he likes me because I've been told that he sometimes stares at me.) I think his...
  2. FriendlyShadow

    Does anyone else experience this?

    This is something I haven't brought up to anyone in a long time... though it may be due to how I feel about myself. Sometimes whenever I listen to a certain song by a band, I tend to get overwhelmed by my emotions the more I listen to it. For some reason, there are some songs that are able to...
  3. FriendlyShadow

    What places would you like to go see?

    I'll start with mine: New York Arizona Colorado New Zealand Idaho
  4. FriendlyShadow

    Need some advice...

    I know people might end up laughing because of the question I'm about to ask here, but where can I meet girls (as in hooking up with one.) What kind of places do gay people usually meet? I know that there are websites saying that you'll likely find people like that in bars/clubs, but I don't...
  5. FriendlyShadow

    If you had to give up one thing, what would it be?

    Mine would be junkfood
  6. FriendlyShadow

    A list of your favorite words:

    Here are some words I personally found interesting to know: Sublime Notion Kindle Translucent Serendipity Cerulean Enlightenment
  7. FriendlyShadow

    Is this good or boring dialogue?

    I seem to have a lot of trouble with learning what to make characters say in a book. The biggest problem is that I'll sometimes give them a sort of long speech, but only beause I'd think it would make them have more depth/or make the audience who's reading get inside their mind. Would this...
  8. FriendlyShadow

    Name six things you're fascinated by

    It could be anything. Lately I found myself interested in the following 1. Watching city lights at night 2. Fire works 3. Lava lamps 4. Lightning Bugs 5. Beaded Curtains 6. Rainbows
  9. FriendlyShadow

    I had a lesbian dream :o

    So I can't exactly remember how my dream started out as but I mainly remember this part. It's kind of long but here's what I did remember: So, I think in my dream, I was angry either over my mom or my dad about something (Can't remember what it was about), maybe because they said something...
  10. FriendlyShadow

    Strange Hobbies?

    Do any of you have any strange hobbies that you like to do, such as for collections, taking courses, creating things, ect. I think now one of my hobbies is collecting sunglasses, but only because I think some look really cool and I don't have a lot of sunglasses that I wear. I don't know if I...
  11. FriendlyShadow

    I always feel worried about this one thing...

    This is mainly the worst kind of fears I have. The reason why I fear death so much is because, one, of course I will never know what'll happens after we die. I'm not ruling out the possibilities though, things like reincarnation, heaven, afterlife, ect. But I can't stop myself from thinking...
  12. FriendlyShadow

    Never taken seriously

    I don't know if a lot of people experience this problem with others (I assume not though), but anytime when I'm doing/saying anything, people will have a tendency to laugh or mock me. It could be whether I get truly angry over something, if I cry, my voice, or me just being clumsy (which isn't...
  13. FriendlyShadow

    Was I wrong in the situation? :(

    A few weeks ago, my family and (including my sister and nephew) we shopping in walmart to get some groceries and shop for clothes. So, my mother, sister, nephew, and I were in the clothes section as we looked around for shirts(although my mother and sister both know this isn't one of my...
  14. FriendlyShadow

    Hate being touched

    Does anyone on here hate it when people touch them, wrap their arm around their shoulder, or maybe even something like shaking your hand. For me, I'm not a very touchy person and I keep my hands to myself for most of the time. I hate it when people touch me on the shoulders, stroke my hair...
  15. FriendlyShadow

    What time do you usually go to bed?

    Do you got to bed early or really late at night (12.00-1:00)?
  16. FriendlyShadow

    How would you rate yourself as?

    As in looks, I'd rate myself either a 4 or 5/10 on the looks department. I think I'm just okay looking. That's it. I'm nothing that special to look at to be honest. I mostly have my bad days where I look like crap, frizzy poofy hair, bushy eyebrows, stained yellow teeth, acne on face, arms...
  17. FriendlyShadow

    "Fitting in while trying to be different"

    I don't know about the rest of you on here, but for years I've been wondering what this tiresome phrase "fitting in" even means anymore. It seems as though I see a lot of people who'd like to fit in with people, but yet they are also worried of not standing out from the crowd. I mean, wouldn't...
  18. FriendlyShadow

    how many of your parent's argue?

    Before you tell me it's normal for couples to argue every now and then (which I can understand), however with my parents, I don't think they can go at least for one or two days without ripping at each other's throats. I'm serious. I've truly never in my life have seen a married couple argue...
  19. FriendlyShadow

    Does it get easier when you move out?

    What's it like when you've to move out of your parents' house and in your own words, does it get easier or harder when you're out on your own? For those who have moved out of their parents' house, how does it feel to be independent and did you find that being independent made things easier for...
  20. FriendlyShadow

    Being treated like a villain

    I have finally came to the realization that just about anything I do or say always will leads to the worst outcomes. Sadly, in my situation, I am treated as nothing more than a worn down prisoner locked away inside a Nazi camp. I never understood why though. Why am I one of the few many...