Search results

  1. HeadFace

    People talking around you?

    I'm not sure if it's just me... But when you're in a group, do you ever feel like the whole time that they're talking around you? I mean, a majority of the time I feel completely left out when in groups. Like they're all just hanging out around me, even if they're the person who invited me...
  2. HeadFace

    Skipping invitations from friends?

    Ugh... I had to lie to my friend today about being sick. I dont mind social events, or casually hanging out with the few friends I manage to keep. It's just I hate groups. It was a thanksgiving party, of about 15. Really, I get anxious from just being around more than 2 - 3 people at a time. She...
  3. HeadFace

    How do I approach someone?

    I know Im not alone in this. But why do I have so much trouble talking to people? How do I suck it up enough to talk to a stranger, or at least approach one? I honestly have no trouble with keeping conversation. But when it comes to approaching someone, I think I look too rude or creepy and back...
  4. HeadFace

    Suddenly awkward?

    I don't know if anyone else's gone through this, but for some reason, whenever I try to talk to my best friend (or... used to be bestie. idunno) it's somewhat awkward now. Which I don't get. Since we used to be really close, we even dated a while ago (broke up about 8 monthes ago) but we were...
  5. HeadFace

    Need Admin/Staff w/ access to plugins

    To access this site through forum runner, a very popular iPhone app, a forum must have the plugin for iPod compatability. It takes 5 seconds to ad it in, and I know if this site had it, my activity would rise. So please, here's the link Forum Runner - vBulletin / phpBB Forum iPhone App
  6. HeadFace

    Scared you won't find anyone else?

    I saw a thread similiar to this a while ago, but I can't find it so bare with me. But who else is scared that if they get dumped, or they break up with a partner, that they'd be so lonely and shy that it'd be almost impossible to find another mate? Or maybe even a person who's in this...
  7. HeadFace

    The Shell (Short Thoughts of a Loner)

    So my head was filled with thoughts tonight, so I had to get it out. So, I used my blog ( unacceptable ) Here's what I sketched down: What would a life without people be, to loners? Media, books, pop culture… It’s the closest thing we have to a social life. And how do we have that? People...
  8. HeadFace

    Unable to become emotionally detached?

    Unable to become emotionally attached? It does sound strange, but it's kind of true. An old teacher died a few days ago, and I barely frowned or shed a tear. And I don't mean this in a psychotic kind of way. I just mean I don't feel anything any more. Even with my girlfriend... I mean, I know I...
  9. HeadFace


    To be honest, this is one of those things that I just love venting on, and expressing myself on. It's been quite a hobby, ever since my girlfriend got me into it. Tumblr My account
  10. HeadFace

    Feeling like I'm not a priority

    I'm not saying I should be treated like an attention whore, but a lot of the times I just feel like everything and everyone else is way more important than me, to everyone else. Like everyone would rather be talking or hanging out with someone else besides me. Anyone else know what I'm talking...
  11. HeadFace


    I wasn't sure where to put this, so I thought that this place would suit it the most... :D ~ Confidence. What kinds of problems do you guys have with it? To be honest, I had really high confidence... Before puberty LOL I'm mostly a loner at school, but you could argue I have a somewhat active...
  12. HeadFace

    Moving and School Experiences

    First of all excuse me if I mispelled experiences :D Santa Rosa, California, USA: In elementary school -1st through the beginning of 6th - life was amazing. No signs of social anxiety, I was somewhat outgoing. Knew mostly everyone in my grade, socialized with lots of people plus my teachers...
  13. HeadFace

    Being a "regular" at a store..

    Am I the only one who finds it awkward? I mean, when I go for walks (which I do very often) I sometimes stop by the gas station and get a drink, since it's usually in the route of my walks. But it get's kind of awkward.. Seeing the same employee's everytime... Having SA, I also cant help but...
  14. HeadFace

    Are you a party person?

    I'm kind of curious.. If you have SA, is it even possible to be a party person/social butterfly? Or has anyone ever had that rare occasion where they were actually invited, went, and it was really awkward? Or invited, but chickened out?
  15. HeadFace

    Quiet in groups...

    I know it seem like an average problem for any SocialPhobic, or anyone with SA. But really, I think I take it to a whole new level. And it bugs the **** out of me. It doesn't matter how close I am with the people. I'm extremely quiet if there's more than 1 person. If I'm really really close with...
  16. HeadFace

    "My friends didn't wanna go"

    I don't know what to think of it. Literally. I'm not sure if this makes me sad, mad, upset, depressed, or even heartbroken. This girl apperently likes me. And we've even discussed it. I've told her I liked her back as well. But I told her I didnt want to try anything till she dumps her current...
  17. HeadFace

    Shyness/SA in your mate?

    Well? Do you find it attractive? Or would you rather have someone who's more free and outgoing? Personally, I think shy girls are fuggin adorable. It's attractive, to me. It's also kind of nice since I could be able to relate to them. And we could work through our SA cases together. Buuut; so...
  18. HeadFace

    Other sites on the internet you use?

    What other forums, or websites do you go on besides SocialPhobiaWorld? And I mean not restricting to sites that support your disorder(s). I mean sites used for hobbys/time wasting/entertainment? For me, it's Gaia Online ( HeddFayss40 ) Tetris Friends ( HeadFace40 ) My Yahoo FaceBook YouTube...
  19. HeadFace

    Nyctophobia (Fear of the dark or night)

    I think this could be completely seperate to my SA, depression, and other disorders that I have. But it does relate to my terrible sleeping disorder (unknown... I think I might have insomnia but I'll look into that later) I don't want to leave my room or let alone bed to do anything at night. I...
  20. HeadFace

    My life feels empty.

    Literally. Empty. And I'm only 16. I tell people I'm into art... Yet I havent actually tried my hand at it since that elective art class I took last year.. Plus random doodles in summer school. But the truth is I think I'm terrible and will never improve. So I havent in a while. I think I have...