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  1. HeadFace

    Awkward feeling about going to the beach/pool with other people

    Is it just me? Whenever someone invites me to hang out at someplace near water I feel like it'd be awkward. One of the reasons is because I'm not the most skinniest ever. Another is that I just dont know what I'd do at a pool with other people. I feel like it'd just be awkward to be swimming...
  2. HeadFace

    Throwing up and crying arent the greatest combination

    My stomach feels like it's gonna kill me. And I admit right now my eyes are hella watery. I dont know if a lot of you noticed, but I've talked about a best friend that let me. Guess what I found out today? Everything was my fault. I feel numb right now, too. I am the biggest failure I know. I...
  3. HeadFace

    How does one go about making friends?

    The friends I have now were pretty much all met through another friend. Basically I met them through my friend. Who I met through my ex. Who I met through my cousin. I don't know how to approach someone... Er, I kinda do, but the fear of being seen as creepy or desperate kind of overides my...
  4. HeadFace

    I think I am too dependant on people.

    As in I always want to know that I have someone that I can consider myself best friends with. I always want to know that I have someone who considers me a priority. I always want to be reassured that I have a friend who cares and will always be here. And it's messing with my expectations I have...
  5. HeadFace

    Frusterated and depressed over "friends"

    I can't even help it. My last "friend" is starting to disappoint me beyond belief. One might tell me that I should change my expectations but trust me I had none to begin with. I just wanted someone to talk to, maybe for an hour a day or something. I'm lonely, right. And I have no one else to...
  6. HeadFace

    My life is empty

    Yeup. I hate it. I havent done anything productive in a long time. My days are filled with just... Staying on the computer. Playing games. Sometimes walks, which is good... But mostly emptiness. Most of the time I dont even feel like doing anything and just take a nap. I've heard someone say...
  7. HeadFace

    Stuck with you, because I have noone else?

    Well basically I've come to a realization... I think I might be keeping this friend just because there's no one else I have. And it's just depressing, because whenever I want to leave I feel too sad and depressed and just want her back, because I feel too lonely. But at the same time I can...
  8. HeadFace

    What is schizophrenia?

    I imagine a lot of people here would have a very broad knowledge on psychology, so I'm wandering if someone can define this for me? Basically I'm getting three different sources and they all give me a different answer. But so far I have a my perception of it is this: A kind of autism that is...
  9. HeadFace

    Do your parents try to get you "out there"?

    As in, do youre parents constantly try to get you to socialize, or try to get you out of the house? Or are they supportive and understanding of your anxiety? Mine... Are the "oh my son is still normal" kind. My mom constantly tries to get me to hang out with people. And the few people that I am...
  10. HeadFace

    I feel so offended and misunderstood by this...

    You know, it'll make it easier for all of us if I just post the conversation: Basically the setting was that I was supposed to hang out with her (girl I'm talking to) and our other close friend. I was okay with that, because I'm comfortable being myself around both of them. But then one of them...
  11. HeadFace

    Depressed because you're single?

    Does anyone ever get depressed just thinking about how you're single? Or just start getting in a sad mood just for thinking of your ex? Or who they're with? To be honest, I do. A lot. I know I should be patient. And people have told me I don't need a girlfriend to be happy. But it makes me sad...
  12. HeadFace

    How many friends (online and offline) do YOU have?

    I have about... 2 close friends, and... 1 or 2 other friends that I don't talk to much. Dunno if you could really consider them friends, but they were nice enough to befriend me in the first place. Online though I have about 3 or 4. And of course you guys. :D Though I dont like offline friends...
  13. HeadFace

    Am I becoming a victim?

    I don't know if it might just be me. But it seems like I keep getting more and more disrespect, even though I'm leaving everyone alone and have been. For example: During freshman year in artclass, this other kid scribbled all over this cartoon doodle I made. I said I didnt care because I already...
  14. HeadFace

    I never get invited ANYWHERE.

    Even my only family that I live with doesnt want to bring me places. And my friend who I thought was my best friend never tells me about her plans. Even my ex never wanted me with her. Or my other ex. Really. I talk to my best friend a load. Occasionally over the phone or webcam. most of the...
  15. HeadFace

    Never dumped another person before... How do I do this?!

    And I'd never imagine myself doing this. I want to break up with my new girlfriend. To be honest, it was infatuation that caused this. And that didn't last too long. She's somewhat shy, cute, attractive, mature - Which is ironic because I've always thought that having a shy mate would make it a...
  16. HeadFace

    Friend invited me to hang out with a group tomorrow...

    So my best friend - Sara, another close friend - Stephanie, and a girl I like, who fancies me back - Julia , is going to be there. But it's going to be a group of like 8+ people... As if casual social events arent bad enough, I'm even worse in groups. Yeah, it's possible - who knew? And Julia...
  17. HeadFace

    Class "Presentation" tomorrow

    If it's in groups, I'm not nearly as nervous for two reasons: Because I know the other members are depending on me and because I'm not up there alone. But this one is individual. The subject has to be something that happened in your life that was significant or memorable. You have to make a...
  18. HeadFace


    I love Pokemon, but I hate when people say it's kiddy. I mean, there's two perspectives for it. A. the competetive type who take it seriously and actually understand the mechanics B. The people who just play to play Pokemon I fall somewhere in between xD Anyway, I've fallen in love with my...
  19. HeadFace

    Do I have AVPD?

    I really don't know. Wiki says it's usually noted after the age of 18 (I'm 17). And I have all of the symptoms noted under "Signs and symptoms" except the last two; Avoidant personality disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I don't know if this is just me overreacting, but how do I know...
  20. HeadFace

    Why does this keep happening to me?!

    Me and my crush (Okay, we're not officially a couple. But the other day we were cuddling and I kissed her) were planning on seeing each other today. She was so excited all week, and so was I. But of course with my ****ing luck she bailed last second just like everyone I hang out with does...