Search results

  1. recluse

    Can't achive anything

    Does anyone feel that they can't achieve anything? As if there's a barrier? No matter how much i practice my guitar i feel that i am getting worse instead of better. This applies to all other areas of my life too. I just feel that i am getting worse at everything rather than better. Why can't i...
  2. recluse

    Can't make proper phonecalls

    I feel a dumbass! Why?...Because when i make a phone call i can't get my point across clearly. Today i had to phone a shop because i had brought something which was wrong, and i wanted to know if i could return it to them...Just a simple point to get across, but no! Social phobia turns me into a...
  3. recluse

    Avoidant behaviour

    Is it normal that i intentionaly make people worry about me? For instance a girl who i haven't seen for years texted me a few days ago but i deliberately didn't answer back, and she kept texting me asking what was wrong, and why was i ignoring her. The more she showed that she was worried the...
  4. recluse

    wish i could be sociable

    Yesterday me and my dad went to a local annual vintage show with classic cars and machinery etc. I felt really anxious the whole time and i actually felt jealous of my dad because he talked to a load of people asking about their cars and stuff. I wish i could be sociable.
  5. recluse

    Feel like i am burning

    When i am nervous such as before job interviews i feel myself burning, even at winter time. Can anyone relate?
  6. recluse

    I'm fed up of life

    I feel numb and i have no motivation, i feel inferior, tired etc. All i hear on the news is one natural disaster after the other, o'r about another young person murdered. I'm just so fed up of everything, ''I cant get no satisfaction!'' out of anything, everything feels like a chore rather than...
  7. recluse

    Thoughts about hurting people

    I don't know if this is ocd, but i am afraid that i am going to get mad and hurt someone, i get obsessive thoughts like what if i end up turning into a wife/girlfriend beater, o'r a murderer? I also get thoughts that i am going to hurt my pet cats even though i love them more than anything. I...
  8. recluse

    Don't like the person i have become

    I have turned into a short tempered asshole. I don't know what it is but people are pissing me off more than ever. I never used to get angry when driving for instance but now if there's a slow driver in front of me....Arrrgghhh! I just have no patience for anyone like i used to, i feel sellfish...
  9. recluse

    obsessive depressive thoughts

    How can i stop obsessive thoughts? My mind is constantly whirring around with thoughts and i can never fully relax, even when i am doing something like watch a film i have thoughts distrupting me. My thoughts are depressing, i imagine myself hurting my pet cats, and hurting my mother even...
  10. recluse

    Social networking sites scare me

    I've joined a new social networking site and i have already made about 10 contacts (they contacted me first) and i feel so bloody weird...Everyone seems to be outgoing and they ask me what i've been doing on the weekend. I just don't feel that i am at the same level as these people and feel that...
  11. recluse

    Feel humourless

    Do you feel humourless at times? I can't help but feel that sometimes i am too serious and i can't see the funny side of things. I sometimes have trouble recognising when someone is being humourous for example if they have a dry sarcastic humour, yet at times i have bouts of hilarity when i...
  12. recluse

    I feel hopeless at giving advice

    My friend contacted me earlier because she is worried about something, and i just feel so useless. Whenever someone is in need of support and advice i feel like i am on the spot and i can't be of any help to them. I just feel so useless, i just don't know what to say in these situations, and i...
  13. recluse

    Thinking of becoming a monk

    I may as well become a monk. Who wants to join me?
  14. recluse

    My advice

    1) Don't get excited for anything because you'll only end up dissapointed. 2) Don't fall in love with anyone because you'll end up dissapointed. 3) Don't believe in compliments or flattery from people because they are usually empty compliments, and people have hidden agendas. You'll end up...
  15. recluse

    I just can't take life anymore

    I'm in a pit of despair, i don't want to talk to anyone apart from my workmates(because i have to). My mother tells me to stop acting like a kid. I tried telling her that i cant help feeling depressed because i am lonely but she won't listen, no one understands. Earlier i accidently spilled some...
  16. recluse

    Home atmosphere

    What kind of atmosphere do you have in your home, happy? Positive? or sad? depressing? I'll be looking forwards to coming home from work and i come back to an unhappy house, and the cause of that is my parents. Since i remember from a young age my parents have not exactly been loving to each...
  17. recluse

    one comment which has affected your confidence

    What's one thing in your lifetime that someone told you that has affected your confidence? A girl i had to share a work space with in college told me i was no fun to be with and that i had no clue how to talk to people. This was ten years ago yet i still have this going through my mind, and i...
  18. recluse

    appearing un-excited/un-interested

    Does anyone else feel that they have a hard time appearing interested and excited? For example when someone gives me a Christmas present i think that i appear dissapointed or something even though i am not, i have this obsession about how my facial expression suits the moment if you know what i...
  19. recluse

    Considering alternative therapy

    I am thinking about ditching the meds and try alternative therapy. There is a Chinese therapy place in the city i work in and i might consider trying that. Has anyone tried alternative therapy?
  20. recluse

    Cynical view on faithfulness in relationships

    Am i too cynical in thinking that everyone will/think about cheating on their partners? For example it came to light that John Major had an affair with Edwina Currey a few years ago...He seemed to be the least likely person, it's also in the news now about the US politician who hired prostitutes...