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  1. recluse

    Can't get nasty thoughts out of my mind

    I'm plagued by horrible thoughts which follow me around whenever i am awake..The only time i am truly away from the thoughts is when i am asleep :cry: My thoughts are like an annoying person who won't shut up....The only difference if it was an annoying person i could just walk away o'r cover...
  2. recluse

    If you could go back in time

    What would you do if you had a chance to go back in time and prevent you from becoming the way you are? I know that we can't change our past but in hindsight i was destined to become socially awkward; I wish i would have made the effort to hang around with my primary school friends instead of...
  3. recluse

    Need to get things off my chest

    Back in July my only remaining grandfather died after a long illness. The thing is i didn't feel sad, in fact i felt emotionless. Even carrying his coffin felt as if i was carrying a strangers coffin rather than a ''loved one'' You see up untill i was around 10 years old my grandfather would...
  4. recluse

    The book i'm reading at the moment

    'The power of now'' by Elkhart Tolle. It teaches you to not dwell in the past and not think of the future. The key of happiness is living in the here and now.
  5. recluse

    Are you able to shut off thoughts in your mind?

    Thinking about random things is a habit of mine....A bad habit i should say. When i am able to have a clear, thoughtless mind i am much happier and alert....But my clear mind is shortlived...It's as if i am not satisfied unless my mind is constantly working and thinking about random useless...
  6. recluse

    What's this supervisors problem!?

    There's one particular supervisor in my workplace who i am convinced has a grudge against me....For no reason. I've done nothing to this guy but i've noticed that him smirking at me from the distance. He spends most of the day surfing the internet, yet if i spend 5 minutes talking to someone...
  7. recluse

    I hate online chatting

    Does anyone else hate having to chat online? I'm probably the laziest person at online correspondance in the world. My contacts keep complaining that i haven't been on msn for such a long time, and i have lost a lot of online friends due to this. The truth is i hate having to chat online..It...
  8. recluse

    Partners/wives/husband who accuse the other of cheating

    You know they say that a partner/wife/husband who accuses the other of cheating must be cheating themselves, because they try to shift their guilt....Is this always the case? All my life i have had to endure my mother accusing my dad of cheating, even though he goes nowhere apart from work. My...
  9. recluse

    Why do peoples opinions change so much?

    I've visited a girl in Poland twice now. She hasn't made it clear whether she wants a relationship o'r anything. We keep in touch by emails and text messages and it's as if her attitude changes by the way she writes messages. For example in a message she'll call me handsome and she'll mention...
  10. recluse

    I've lost all motivation

    It seems that winter makes me worse. I have no motivation to do anything. I come home from work which is so quiet now days i hardly do anything all day, and all i want to do is eat and go to sleep. I can't be bothered to take part in any of my hobbies o'r anything anymore.
  11. recluse

    What kind of intrusive thoughts have you had?

    I used to get thoughts when i was in school that i would come home and find my parents dead after being murdered. I was at work and i was using a rock crushing machine and out of the blue i got a vision that i threw my cat into the crushing machine. I then spent the whole day with the same...
  12. recluse

    Distance to work/college

    How far do you have to commute to work/college? I do a round trip of 60 miles to work 5 days a week.
  13. recluse

    What size shoes do you wear?

    I'm UK size 8 (US 9)
  14. recluse

    I feel like i am wasting my life just battling my problems!

    Does anyone else feel that they could be doing something with their lives instead of battling mental illness? I feel as if the rest of the world are going about their lives while i spend most of my life battling this illness. It's just so frustrating :x
  15. recluse

    My problem is being afraid of letting go of old memories

    I dwell on old memories....Not all bad but mostly good memories..You probably think what is so bad about dwelling on good memories right? Well this is a big problem for me. I feel that if i let go of my good memories i will forget them forever. For example i've met this girl twice now in Poland...
  16. recluse

    Tropic thunder

    Anyone seen 'Tropic thunder'? I saw it on Friday ans i liked it. What other new films have you seen this year? This year i've seen; Hancock Wanted Dark knight Tropic thunder I know it doesn't seem a lot but for me it's a big step to go to the cinema, especially as my nearest cinema is 60...
  17. recluse

    Help! Am i szhizophrenic o'r something?

    My mind is so full of cluttered thoughts i stress myself out trying to organize them..There isn't a minute in the day when i am not going through my thoughts. I will be doing something at work for instance and boom! my brain will start generating random thoughts and i try my best to not ponder...
  18. recluse

    Lonely yet i don't really want friends

    How come i feel lonely yet i find people on the whole tiring, i have very little desire to form friendships...I feel as if it's too much of an effort to make and maintain friendships...Yet i have this feeling of loneliness :?:
  19. recluse

    I feel sellfish

    I've come to realise that i am a sellfish asshole for the reason that i am always lost in my own thoughts instead of focusing and being interested in other people. I am too preoccupied with what i am going to say next rather than listen to what the other person is saying so i miss a lot of the...
  20. recluse

    Do you ever think- ''How did i end up this way?''

    I often think to myself ''How did i end up this anxious mess?'' I think back to my childhood when i was carefree...Nothing else mattered apart from the worry that Santa Claus would not bring me the toys i wanted at Christmas. I wish i could have the same simplistic attitutude to life now...I...