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  1. vj288

    I'll never leave you again SPW!

  2. vj288

    I don't get mad at people.

    I didn't think it was that big of a deal but my therapist seemed very interested when I told him. Is anyone else like this, they just don't get mad at people? I mean you could say really mean things, attack me, oppose my views, ect... and I would not get mad at you at all. I don't know what's...
  3. vj288

    Post awesome Cover Songs

    There are so many awesome covers out there, post 'em here! Cover YouTube - Counting Crows - Big Yellow Taxi ft. Vanessa Carlton Original YouTube - Joni Mitchell - Big yellow taxi (live)
  4. vj288

    Does anyone else have this?

    Does anyone get really into things? I'm not exactly sure how to explain what I mean so bear with me. Whenever I do something I either put in 110% effort or almost none at all. I have a couple examples. Whenever I would play video games, I would never do it only for fun, but I had to make sure I...
  5. vj288

    Red Pill or Blue Pill?

    "You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes." What would you do?
  6. vj288

    Does anyone else just not care?

    Like nothing matters. No intensive to do anything, get better, look to the future. Indecisive out of indifference. Going through the motions. No real interests, no passions, no desire, only hope. Tired of life. Nobody.
  7. vj288

    What's your EQ?

    I was wondering if there was any relationship with EQ (Emotional IQ) and SA. I scored lower than average, 76, but they only ask 14 questions... Post your EQ!
  8. vj288

    What was this?

    Well I was walking the other day and up ahead of me was this girl. Now when I walk I keep looking forward, I figure looking down would draw more attention to myself and I don't like being surprised with hellos. So she's walking and as soon as she see's my eyes she immediately looks down, and...
  9. vj288

    Countdown to Fiona Apples Next Album.

    For those of you who have been living under a rock, a week ago it was announced indirectly that Fiona apple will be coming out with a new album in the spring of 2011!:D An exact day has not been announced yet, so I'm going to be optimistic and assume the first day of spring is the day, March 20...
  10. vj288

    Oh no, forced contact!

    So I just found out my track team is doing a "Big brother/Little brother" within the team. Freshman get paired upped with seniors, and in the email it said.. "There is only one requirement expected of the big brother/ little brother pairings. You are to meet with your big brother or little...
  11. vj288

    AvPD vs. SA

    Is AvPD just a severe case of SA or are they different. I mean I know 99% that I have AvPD but not really as much for SA. I've never had a anxiety attack (or at least not a big on as far as I know) and I'm not sure if I feel that anxiety on a everyday basis. I'm so good at avoiding things I...
  12. vj288

    Let's tell a story!

    Everyone ready? Ok I'll start. Once upon a time...
  13. vj288

    Not being able to say certain words.

    I'm not talking about mispronouncing words (even that is a problem for me) but just not being able to certain words in certain situations. Like in public or any social situation I can't bring myself swear, or use a lot of "inappropriate" language. Obviously when I was younger I didn't want to...
  14. vj288

    Help with doing something you are dreading!

    Yeah so tomorrow I'm starting D1 track practice for college and am really getting worked up about it. I am not nearly in shape enough to be on this team and I know everyone is going to see it, I'm in way over my head. I have to wake up really early, go to a place I've never been (I know where it...
  15. vj288

    What would just make your day?

    It can be anything . Things that would make you jump ten feet in the air with elation. Something realistic but unlikely. A band you wish would reunite, the discovery of a unreleased books by one of your favorite (and probably deceased) author, a cure for cancer, anything! What would make your day?
  16. vj288

    Camera shy?

    Is anyone else camera shy? I used to refuse to get my picture taken because I always hate the way they came out, I don't photograph well. It's better now, but whenever I try to pose they always seem to come out like this. When I don't know it's coming, not as bad. FYI that's not me, I have...
  17. vj288

    What's worse, having SA your entire life or developing it later on?

    I was just thinking, if I could choice between being born with SA or having it kick in later on (anywhere from 12 to 60) what would I choose? It kicked in for me around when I was 13-14, so I know how it feels to be normal and then lost it. I don't know, just thinking...
  18. vj288

    Crawl into a hole and die thread!

    See, I found this nice hole here and decided it would be easier to just crawl on in there and pretend the rest of the world isn't there. Anyone else who wants to come, feel free. :)
  19. vj288


    I was just wondering if anyone else has ever done so.
  20. vj288

    Why is there a Trash Can Forum?

    I was looking through the Forums and noticed there was a trash can one! What does one talk about in a trash can forum, Trash?