Help with doing something you are dreading!


not actually Fiona Apple
Yeah so tomorrow I'm starting D1 track practice for college and am really getting worked up about it. I am not nearly in shape enough to be on this team and I know everyone is going to see it, I'm in way over my head. I have to wake up really early, go to a place I've never been (I know where it is but now what it looks like) to meet in a place I'm not totally sure with a bunch of people I don't know who are in way better shape than me. Honestly right now I really don't want to be on the team but I'm at the point of no return.

Can anyone relate with a similar situation? I just need a little reassurance it won't be as bad as I know it will be.


The only thing I can think of similar is when I joined the military. I wasn't in that great of shape and had never been away from home either. Going to college for the first time felt similar too since it was an experience I was unfamiliar with, I had no idea what to expect from it. The main thing that's helped me is to have my goal or reason for doing this in the forefront of my mind and staying focused on it. So when things got tough and I began to ask myself, "Why do I bother trying?" I keep reminding myself of my reason and thats usually kept me going. I hope that helps bro :)


not actually Fiona Apple
Thanks for trying guys...I don't think I worded it that well. It's my AvPD kicking in at full force. I really, really don't want to go for a lot a stupid anxiety reasons, so my body is trying to communicate to me "Don't go, please don't go."


Well-known member
You should go, just to show the AvPD who's the boss.

Forget about everything else - just go for therapy

whatever happens is gonna happen - nothing you can do about it at this point

just go, so you won't have the "failing to go" to beat yourself up about, too


not actually Fiona Apple
You should go, just to show the AvPD who's the boss.

Forget about everything else - just go for therapy

whatever happens is gonna happen - nothing you can do about it at this point

just go, so you won't have the "failing to go" to beat yourself up about, too

Oh, that's just it, I have to go. Not going would be infinity worse. I'm obligated to go at this point, so no matter how much I don't want to, I know I'll be going in the end.


Well-known member
Oh, that's just it, I have to go. Not going would be infinity worse. I'm obligated to go at this point, so no matter how much I don't want to, I know I'll be going in the end.

cool - see, that's the biggest hurdle for me - going

now, if you can just forget about the "what ifs"

you can only control it when it's playing out in your head

in real life you have no control

just go, and let it all happen the way it's gonna happen

you can't control it anyway


not actually Fiona Apple
cool - see, that's the biggest hurdle for me - going

now, if you can just forget about the "what ifs"

you can only control it when it's playing out in your head

in real life you have no control

just go, and let it all happen the way it's gonna happen

you can't control it anyway

Wow, that was one of the first posts I've read here(spw) that has made me feel noticeably better, thanks. :D
I sometimes forget I'm not always in control, I'll make sure to keep that in mind.


Well-known member
I might not be as bad once you get there. I think everyone else will be concerned about their won perfomance.

Can you do a few training sessions over the next few weeks to boost your fitness? Increasing your fitness might increase your confidence.

This is only one practice, but you can show them what you are capable of over a whole season.


Well-known member
Yes...doing something I want to do, but feeling as if other people will see me as in over my head. If I were to give you advice...I'd say DO IT. Even though it's easier said than done, peer pressure helps when it's positive right? DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT!